How will Bentley/Copdock support my child in periods of transition?

SEND Offer

How will Bentley/Copdock support my child in periods of transition?

We understand that this can be an anxious time for both parents/carers and children. We encourage all new pupils to visit the school prior to starting when they will be shown around the school and any concerns can be addressed. For pupils with SEND we would encourage further visits to assist with the transition.

We may need to write a ‘social story’ to ease the transition for pupils with high anxiety and communication difficulties. School and parents/carers may also feel the need to arrange several transition meetings/sessions in order to ease pupil concerns.

In addition to the above, when your child begins Reception year or even another year, a member of staff will aim to visit your child at his/her pre-school setting or current school and possibly home. This will be done in discussions with parents/carers and in relation to your child’s needs. There will also be the opportunity for your child to attend an induction period for one half day session each week in the summer second half term before they enter school. 

For transition into different classes and year groups, pupils spend a morning with their new teacher prior to the start of the new academic year or visit their high school. Some children may need additional transition support which we are able to provide to help prepare them for the changes ahead.

In Year 6, we will liaise with the high school that your child will be going to and share information that will support a smooth transition into high school. This will  be with a member of the SEND staff team. Often, arrangements will be made for your child to visit the high school in the summer term prior to starting.

For children that leave mid-year, we will liaise with the setting or school that will be receiving your child through meetings and discussions. Your child's assessment and progress will also be shared. It may also be arranged for your child to make a pre-visit to the setting before formally starting. Likewise, for pupils starting at our schools, we will make contact and share information with the previous school and offer induction sessions to support a smooth and enjoyable transition for pupils and parents/carers. 

Please do not hesitate to make contact with us and share any concerns or thoughts. We value your input.

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.