Adders Class 11.12.23
Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 8:52pm
Welcome to the last full week of the Autumn Term 2023.
This week's timetable can be accessed HERE.
You will need to wear your PE kit on MONDAY and WEDNESDAY this week.
It is our Christmas performance at the church on TUESDAY at 6pm. You will be told what time you need to arrive. We will be practising at the church in the morning.
We have a Christmas Experience on FRIDAY at the church led by the Open the Book team. You will need to be dropped off at the church in the morning.
Our value this half term is 'Trust' and Hedgehogs Class will be sharing this in Family Assembly on Friday.
You haven't got any written homework this week but need to still do the following:
- Practise the second column of the Y5/6 (or next 10 of the Y3/4) words on Spelling Shed. There will be a test in January when we come back to school.
- Use TTRockstars to practise your times tables - you MUST know these!! I have set up a battle between Y5 and Y6 so every time you get an answer correct, you win a point for your year group.
- Read for Pleasure at least FIVE times this week and record this in your Log Book. Ask a grown up to sign your book.