Copdock Weekly Update 26/05/2023

Talent Show

Children have now signed up for auditions ready for the talent show.  If you want to take part as a parent please let us know ASAP and no later than Monday 29th May, with details about what talent you would like to share.

Foxes - Cricket

For those Foxes participating in the cricket on the Wednesday after half term, please ensure they wear PE kit to school and bring a packed lunch and water.  They will also need weather-appropriate clothing - hats etc.  They will be leaving after registration and returning before the end of the school day.  Parents are welcome to watch.  Please see the email earlier in the week for any further details.

Shared Learning

On the first Friday afternoon back, we have our Family Shared Learning.  Parents are warmly invited in from 2:45pm (2:30pm if more than one child) to have a look at the books with the children.  Prior to this, parents are welcome to join us for a coffee and chat from 2:10pm - please confirm attendance if you haven't already done so.

Sports Day

We are currently planning our sports day which is to be held on Monday 19th June.  We will send information about which colour team your child will represent and options to order a picnic lunch, on our return to school.
Online Safety

If you missed the online safety webinar last night, it is available for the next 10 days here.  As it's never easy scribbling things down in the moment, here are some useful links to resources highlighted in the webinar.

Other programmes you may be interested in are advertised on our website when they are shared with us.  This week we have added a new Parent/Carer Workshop focussing on resilience being delivered by the NHS.  We also share information from 3rd parties including holiday clubs, offers on things to do to name just a few.  You may have noticed this page has recently moved on our website.  All these details can be found here.

Clubs & Sports

Lego club will be continuing on Tuesdays from the 13th June.  Please see the attached letter to see how to join.  Foundation Stay and Play will also be continuing on Tuesdays from 2:45pm - please ensure you sign in when you arrive so that we have a record of you being on site.  We are hoping to run a KS2 after school cricket club on Mondays - more details will come after half term - don't forget the first Monday is a PD day so there will be no club that day as no pupils are in school.  Swimming will continue on Mondays (except Sports Day) for those children currently attending.

If you are looking for sports or music clubs outside of school, check out the website in the 'Local Clubs & Events' section where many clubs advertise for players or participants.

Next Half Term

As you can see from the diary section below, there is a lot going on next half term.  Please keep an eye on the website calendar and the weekly newsletter for more details which will be shared as each event gets closer - this just gives you an overview to help with planning.

Please ensure children arrive on time in the mornings with all the equipment they require, including a water bottle, a jacket and a hat - whatever the weather.

Lego Club

Statue of Liberty.jpeg

Each week at Lego Club, there is a theme and one of the builds is sent through to the national website where there is a competition.

This week's build was Statue of Liberty and here is our entry to the competition. 

You can vote for our build here - we're usually on page 2.

Reading Challenge

This week's top readers were: Year 6 Congratulations!

Learning Behaviours

This week's learning behaviour is learn from your mistakes, improve and the recipients are: 

Kittens Solomon Gwenny
Squirrels All of Year 2  
Woodpeckers Oscar Winter
Foxes Jake Liam

Words of the Week

This week's words to be heard are:

Year 1 & 2 bulb mature
Woodpeckers arid major
Foxes legend coniferous

Dates for the Diary

Upcoming events over the next half term:

05/06/2023 PD Day
06/06/2023 Pupils Return
07/06/2023 Cricket at Ransomes
09/06/2023 Coffee & Chat
09/06/2023 Family Shared Learning
13/06/2023 Class Photos
16/06/2023 PTA Meeting
19/06/2023 Sports Day
21/06/2023 Squirrels Trip
26/06/2023 Foxes WCET Festival
28/06/2023 EBHS Transition Day
29/06/2023 EBHS Transition Day
04/07/2023 Foxes Quad Kids
06/07/2023 Woodpeckers Quad Kids
07/07/2023 Talent Show
08/07/2023 Community Summer Fete
14/07/2023 Year 4 Sleepover
19/07/2023 Foxes Pleasurewood Hills Trip
21/07/2023 Last Day of the School Year

Please also keep an eye on the website for dates in the calendar and news and information about clubs and events!



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Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.