Copdock Weekly Update 17.03.17


Chocolate Bingo: If you can’t wait until Easter for some chocolate there is still time to get your tickets for the PTA’s Easter event next Saturday 1-3pm at the school. Entry is £3 per adult and £2 per child – admission fee includes cake and a drink. You can find the flyer and booking form here:

Cycle Ride: Saturday 18th March is the annual AUDAX Bike Ride. There’s still time to volunteer to help with refreshments or cheering participants on, please ask a member of the PTA for more information on how to get involved.

Vacancy: Would you be interested in being a midday supervisor? We currently have a vacancy so why not contact the office for more information on the role.

KS1 Trip to Colchester: Squirrels and Kittens had an exciting day in Colchester on Tuesday, visiting the synagogue, eating lunch in the park and looking around the Natural History Museum. The things they saw and learnt have been very useful for their writing back in the classroom for the remainder of the week. Pictures from the trip can be found via the ‘Squirrels’ page on the website.

Reminders: The class teachers are always available to speak to parents, however please bear in mind that they need to get straight on with the children’s learning in the mornings, so if at all possible please try to catch them at the end of the day. You can always call the office to make an appointment if there is a specific issue you need to discuss.

Please ensure all children, both pupils and siblings, are supervised whilst on site and also when entering or leaving the school grounds – the road outside obviously gets busy just before and after school. With this in mind please ensure you drive carefully and park legally and safely.

Please ensure that children only have water in their bottles for drinking during the day, not juice or squash. They can have juice or squash in their lunch boxes, but just water in class please.

Parents Evening: We had a super turnout to family learning conversations once again, thank you. This is a really important sharing experience where we can agree how we can work together with the children to ensure they reach their goals. It is a shame a few parents did not turn up as this wastes valuable staff time in preparing for these discussions. We ask all parents to let us know if they are unable to attend to ensure staff well-being is also considered. Many thanks for trialling the new booking system, hopefully you found it useful – please feedback your experience of the system and how you felt it worked.

Basketball Posts: Sports Crew are still looking for some volunteers from our parents to help construct the new basketball post – with the weather improving the children are keen to have activities on the playground and this fits the bill perfectly. Please contact the office if you are able to offer your services for this task.

Swimming: Our final session of the year will be on 27th March. We have enjoyed our new experience at First Strokes and hope to attend again in the Autumn term. Well done to all for their achievements. Certificates will be sent home soon.

Comic Relief: Next Friday is Comic Relief. Feel free to bring in some loose change as a donation for coming into school wearing something red. If you wish to donate more, this is obviously your decision and would be most welcome.

Easter Bonnets: It’s only 2 weeks until the Easter Bonnet Parade – don’t forget designs can be any form of hat with an Easter theme. Prizes will be on offer. Let’s make the judges work even harder by having lots of fabulous entries!

KS1 Dental Workshop: On 30th March parents are invited to join KS1 pupils for a dental workshop. Please remember to bring a named toothbrush in on the day! A letter came out this week and is also available on the website in the ‘Copdock Letters’ section, please ensure the reply slip is returned so that we know how many parents are coming.

Cross Country Competition – On Wednesday 29th selected children from years 4, 5 and 6 will be taking part in this huge event being held at the Royal Hospital School. Letters have gone home with those children selected and replies must be returned by Thursday 23rd March in order for your child to take part.

Health Visitor/School Nurse Survey: If you have had any dealings with either the health visitor or school nurse, could you please follow the link below and complete their questionnaire:


Key Dates for the Diary



Audax Annual Bike Ride



Woodpeckers Cooking Club



Squirrels Writing Club



Foxes SATS Booster Group



Red Nose Day



Woodpeckers Cake Sale



PTA – Chocolate Bingo



Woodpeckers Cooking Club



RHS Cross Country Yrs 4-6



Squirrels Writing Club



KS1 Dental Workshop



Last Day of Term



Easter Bonnet Parade






Pupils Return to School



Squirrels Writing Club



Foxes SATS Booster Group



Squirrels Writing Club



Foxes SATS Booster Group



Year 6 Spelling Bee at EBHS



Squirrels Cake Sale


Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.