Copdock Weekly Update 16/09/2022

Please Note:  School is closed on Monday 19th September as it is a Bank Holiday.

Little City

Our Kittens class were lucky enough this week to be able to enjoy the Little City that arrived in the hall on Tuesday.  Wolves class came over from Bentley to join them, thus beginning their partnership.


Wednesday saw a day full of skipping across the Federation.  Pupils practiced many different jumps and rope swings as they honed their skills.  They all said it was great fun, even if some did fall over.


Now that the children have settled into school we would encourage parents to drop their children at the bottom of the ramp and then go about their day.  Please do not congregate at the railings nor stand on the road as this is preventing other children gaining access to the walkway.  There is a member of staff available for any questions or messages.

Kittens & Woodpeckers Classes

Miss Cross will be teaching Kittens Class from Wednesday 21st to Thursday 29th September due to Mrs Atkins having a pre-booked holiday before being appointed at Copdock.  Miss Cross is looking forward to learning with all the Year 1 children again as well as teaching the new Reception children.  This will mean that Woodpeckers class will be covered by Mrs Wright who is a familiar teacher to Copdock on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th September.  If you have any further questions, please contact Miss Cross.

Dinners Next Week

As we are not in school on Monday, the menu on Tuesday will be what was to be offered on Monday - pizza or oriental quorn with vanilla ice cream for dessert.  Please also note that due to the disruption of deliveries, there will be no roast potatoes on Wednesday, but mashed potatoes.  Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Break Time Snacks

The snack shop will re-open at break time over the next couple of weeks.  Items such as oat biscuits, rice cakes, breadsticks and crackers will be available at 10p per item - with a maximum 20p spend.  Please note you can send these items in as snack as well as fruit if you prefer.  Fruit is readily available for KS1 children.  If you have any questions regarding permissible snacks please do get in touch.

After School Club

From Monday 26th September until half term (4 weeks), we are looking to run a Tag Rugby After School Club with Joe (our PE Coach) for KS2 children.  As long as there is enough uptake, we won't be charging for this club.  It will run from 3:15 until 4:15pm.  If you would like to register your interest, please email the office by next Friday.

Young Voices

Foxes parents please don't forget we need confirmation ASAP that your child is able to attend the Young Voices concert (February 23rd).  Please see attached letter for further details.

100 Club

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You've got to be in it to win it!

Thank you to those who have already signed up.  Don't forget we need your entries by 30th September. 

 Click here for more information .

Harvest Festival

We are delighted to be able to visit St Peter's Church this year for our Harvest Celebration.  Younger children will be transported on the minibus but older children will enjoy the walk.  Parents are welcome to attend for a 2:45pm start, where all classes will share a special song, poem or activity with you.  If you would like to support the walk to the Church please contact the school office for more information.

Parents will need to collect children from Church please for 3:15pm.  If your child will be attending After School Club, please ensure we know so we can arrange for them to be transported from the Church.

Collections of tinned/packet food can be brought in on the morning and these will be transported to the Church.  We will be supporting the Homeless Families Unit in Ipswich so they will receive all donations along with Church contributions too.  We look forward to seeing you there.

School Games Mark

Please see the attached announcement about the School Games Mark for 2021-22.

Lego Club

Week 1.jpeg

Each week at Lego Club, there is a theme and one of the builds is sent through to the national website where there is a competition.

This week's build was Roman Pizza and here is our entry to the competition. 

You can vote for our build here - we're usually on page 2.

Learning Behaviours

This week's learning behaviour is tune in and concentrate and the recipients are:

Kittens Xanthe William
Squirrels Bella Freddie
Woodpeckers Piper Winter
Foxes Arrietty Benjamin

Words of the Week

This week's words to be heard are:

Years 1 & 2 vast azure
Woodpeckers prehistoric inspire
Foxes famine deforestation

Dates for the Diary

Upcoming events over the next couple of weeks to keep an eye out for:

19/09/2022 BANK HOLIDAY School Closed
20/09/2022 3:15-4:15pm Lego Club Rec-Y4 Booking via this link
21/09/2022 Foxes Guitar  
26/09/2022 Swimming  
26/09/2022 3:15-4:15pm KS2 ASC Tag Rugby Email interest by Friday 23rd to school office
27/09/2022 3:15-4:15pm Lego Club Rec-Y4 Booking via this link
28/09/2022 Foxes Guitar  
30/09/2022 MacMillan Event Details on next week's Weekly Update

Please also keep an eye on the website for dates in the calendar and news and information about clubs and events - we are receiving lots of flyers about half term clubs and events which we've included on the website in this section!





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Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.