Copdock Weekly Update 15/07/2022

Please ensure everyone has a (named) hat in school next week!


Thank you to those of you who have confirmed receipt of reports via the Forms and added your comments.  If you have yet to do so, please use the links on the letters (there was one per class) to both confirm receipt and to feedback or comment upon those reports.

Sports Tokens

Don't forget tomorrow is the last day that the Sports Equipment Tokens will be published in the local press.  Please ensure you send in any you've been collecting by the end of term so that we can count them up and get them registered to be in with a chance of winning some new sports equipment.

Mersea Island Trip

KS1 had an exciting trip on Tuesday to Mersea Island.  They had a lovely time visiting the museum, flying their kites and eating ice cream.  They were all a little tired at the end of the day.

Pleasurewood Hills Trip

Foxes celebrated their time together with a fantastic day out at Pleasurewood Hills on Wednesday.  They all enjoyed the rides and having a relaxed day with their classmates.


School Council elections were held this week, and our councillors for next year are Darcie, Willow, George B, Alfie, Ellie N, Pippa, Joseph B, Olivia, David & Delilah.  Well done to all of you.  The Head Pupil elections take place on Monday.

Community Fete

Why not pop along to the Community Fete being held tomorrow between 1 & 5pm at Copdock Village Hall.  There will be lots to see and do, and an opportunity to see if you've won any prizes!  If you have yet to return your raffle tickets, take them on the day but nice and early to make sure you are included.  If you have any unsold tickets, these would also be welcomed.


On Monday and Tuesday, our Year 5 pupils will be participating in bikeability.  Please ensure their clothing is suitable for cycling, including appropriate footwear.  Children will need to bring their bike with them on Monday morning, and must have a helmet.  Please ensure the children have plenty of water with them that they can take out on their bikes - either in holders or suitable bags.  Please consider the weather, they will be cycling whatever the weather, therefore suncream and waterproofs as required.

Kittens Class - Tuesday

On Tuesday Kittens class will have a special treat involving a paddling pool - please ensure Kittens bring swimwear and a towel with them.  They will need a complete sun block applied in the morning before coming to school please.

Last Day of Term

Our last day of term is next Wednesday as we are taking the Thursday in lieu of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee bank holiday held nationally in the Whitsun half term.  On the last day of term, children can come to school in non-uniform.  Pupils do not need to bring anything into school on Wednesday except a water bottle and lunch (if they are having packed lunch).  Please ensure all medicines are collected by the end of term and all items of lost property have been searched for - there are a lot of unnamed tops on the lunch trolley!

There will be a leavers assembly at 9am on Wednesday where we say farewell to our year 6 pupils.  All parents are welcome to attend.

Learning Behaviours

This week's learning behaviour is don't give up and the recipients are:

Kittens Harry Alimae
Squirrels Alana Arielle
Woodpeckers Tilly Olivia
Foxes Jake Joshua

Words of the Week

This week's words to be heard are:

Years 1 & 2    
Foxes refraction dormant

Dates for the Diary

Upcoming events over the next couple of weeks to keep an eye out for:

16/07/2022 1-5pm Community Fete  
18/07/2022 Year 5 Bikeability  
18/05/2022 Head Pupil Elections  
19/07/2022 Year 5 Bikeability  
20/07/2022 Last Day of Term  
20/07/2022 9am Year 6 Leavers Assembly  
21/07/2022 Day in Lieu of Queen's Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday  

Please also keep an eye on the website for dates in the calendar and news and information about clubs and events - we are receiving lots of flyers about half term clubs and events which we've included on the website in this section!



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Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.