Copdock Weekly Update 10.03.17

Easter Bonnet Parade: How are your crafty ideas coming along? The brief is to produce any form of Easter themed hat for a parade on the last day of term. Remember, there are prizes are up for grabs!

Parents Evening: Slots are now available for booking! Please log onto the website and book your slot(s) if you haven’t already done so. A letter was sent home with pupils last Friday detailing how the system works and what you need to do (it is also available on the website). Please ensure you know your log-in details, the rest should be straightforward. Please contact the office if you need any guidance. Please feedback how you felt the system worked so that we can monitor its usefulness for future events.

Vacancy: We currently have a vacancy for a midday supervisor – if you are interested in the role please contact the office for more information.

Lunch Boxes: When your child has a packed lunch, please ensure they are healthy, in line with the school’s ethos. Please do not send sweets in the children’s lunch boxes. If you would like your child to have sweets please keep them as a treat for after school and not lunchtimes, thank you.

KS1 Trip to Colchester: All pupils in years R to 2 will be travelling to Colchester on Tuesday for a visit to the Synagogue and the Natural History Museum. Children must have a packed lunch and drinks with them and will need sensible shoes as there will be a lot of walking. They will need to wear uniform on the day and must have a suitable coat as we will be eating lunch in the park. We anticipate being back by the end of the school day unless there is a big problem with the traffic.

Basketball Posts: The school has some new basketball posts for the children to use on the playground. In order to preserve them for as long as possible could you please discourage pupils and younger siblings from climbing or jumping on the bases. We have managed to erect one of them but Sports Crew are asking if there are any parents willing to help construct the other please? Contact the office if you are able to offer your services for this task.

Comic Relief: As you are aware, Comic Relief is on Friday 24th March. We are asking children to come into school wearing something red. We appreciate that you have recently contributed to the worthy SESAW cause only last month, therefore should you wish to support Comic Relief we are suggesting that you feel free to bring in some loose change as a donation. If you wish to donate more, this is obviously your decision and would be most welcome.

Holidays: With the sun finally making an appearance we all start to get excited about the prospects of holidays. Could we please remind you to book holidays during breaks from school and not during term-time? The term dates for the remainder of this academic year are on the website, as are the term dates for 2017/18 – taking you right up to next July!

Cycle Ride: Saturday 18th March is the annual AUDAX Bike Ride. It would be appreciated if you could please provide some cakes on Friday 17th - of the tray bake or cake bar variety as opposed to large cup cake types. If anyone would like to volunteer to help with refreshments or cheering participants on, please speak to a member of the PTA. More details will follow next week.

Chocolate Bingo: Don’t forget to get your tickets for the PTA’s Easter event on Saturday 25th March 1-3pm at the school. Entry is £3 per adult and £2 per child – admission fee includes cake and a drink. Any monies raised will go towards supporting the pupils’ education. The event is billed as a fun family afternoon of chocolate bingo – what more could you need!?! You can find the flyer and booking form here:

Key Dates for the Diary

13-17 Mar


Science Week



Woodpeckers Cooking Club



KS1 Trip to Colchester



Parents Evening



Parents Evening



Audax Annual Bike Ride



Woodpeckers Cooking Club



Squirrels Writing Club



Foxes SATS Booster Group



Red Nose Day



Woodpeckers Cake Sale



PTA – Chocolate Bingo



Woodpeckers Cooking Club



RHS Cross Country



Squirrels Writing Club



Foxes SATS Booster Group



Last Day of Term



Easter Bonnet Parade






Pupils Return to School



Squirrels Writing Club



Foxes SATS Booster Group



Squirrels Writing Club



Foxes SATS Booster Group



Squirrels Cake Sale

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.