Copdock Weekly Update 09/10/2020

Parent Meetings

Again, thank you to everyone who has attended, either online or in person, the parent meetings held for each year group.  


Woodpeckers Soap Box Presentations

Just a reminder that Woodpeckers class have now all been given their time slots for their class presentations, details of which have been added to the class blog over the last couple of weeks. 

Please ensure that your child has a 5-10 minute presentation prepared all about themselves.  This can be in any format that they would prefer, be it, reading from cue cards, a poster about themselves that they could share and talk about or even a PowerPoint presentation that can be emailed into the school.  You can be as creative as you would like. 

The aim of the presentation is for each child to be able to speak in front of the class confidently about themselves (their hobbies, pets, family, clubs attended etc.) and practice using a loud voice and steady pace.  This is a skill that we have been practising in class.  It would be a good idea to practise this at home before their presentation at school.  We look forward to seeing and hearing all the wonderful presentations in class. 


Virtual PTA Meeting

We are holding a meeting for the PTA via Zoom on Wednesday 14th October at 8pm.  It would be great to have as many people join us as possible as we are really going to have to be creative with our fundraising this year.  If you would like to join the meeting, please use the following details:

Copdock Primary PTA - Catchup / Planning Meeting

Meeting ID: 868 2430 8863

Passcode: 151277


Pupil Reports and Consultations

Please see the attached letter detailing how we will be updating you on your children's learning this term. 


Head Pupil and School Council Positions

After a revised, but still rigorous process, the Head Pupils for this year are Tiegan and Cassie.  Congratulations to them both and thank you to everyone who applied for showing their confidence and commitment.  Their first task will be to explore pupil voice around lunchtime and playtime along with regular updates about Coronavirus and how we can stay safe in school.  Head Pupils will be reporting the findings to Governors.  Our School Council members are Arrietty, Brendan, Jake, Eliana, Pippa, Matilda and Ben.  Well done to you all.


MacMillan Total

Our grand total of monies raised for MacMillan including the Tea Clipper game, was £85.30!  A huge thank you to everyone who played the game or donated monies to this truly worthy cause.


Halloween Dress Down

As part of our aim to continue fundraising this year, we are holding a Break the Rules' day for Halloween on 23rd October.  All children are invited to break the school uniform rules to raise money for our school.  See the poster for rules which can be broken for 50p each rule!  Due to Coronavirus measures, please ensure costumes do not have accessories and are sensible for children to move around school and enjoy playtime.  For an additional 50p we will enable the purchase of a Halloween sweet treat at playtime - therefore all 3 rules + sweet treat will total £2.  Please send money in advance by Wednesday 21st so we can ensure enough treats for the day!


Christmas Card Designs

Don't forget to get your designs for Christmas Cards in by Tuesday 13th!  Pop them in the school post-box on your way in.



You may have spotted our year 6s riding around the village this week as they learnt about safe cycling on the roads and earnt themselves their Bikeability badges.  Year 5s will have an opportunity later in the school year to earn theirs.


After School Clubs

It's the last week of football club next Tuesday.  Archeology club will continue up to half term, and 2 weeks afterwards.


Year 1 & 2 PE

On Monday, year 1 & 2 will be doing a virtual cross-country tournament on the school field.  Please ensure they have trainers.


Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.