Copdock Weekly Update 08/10/2021

Grounds Works

A massive thank you to Matt Green, Paula Z, Sue Russell, Grant Houlden, Ramone Karazinaite and Miss Cross for their efforts on site last weekend.  It's clear to see how much work they managed to achieve in a short space of time.

Maths Bags

During the lockdowns we sent home resources such as maths bags.  If you have any of these resources at home, could you please send them back into school so that we can reissue them.

Notes for Reception Families

Mrs Witherall would like to thank you for your response to her email earlier this week, however, she is still missing an Ugly Duckling book - please see the poster in the collection area.

Please can all reception children have the following things in their book bags on Thursday mornings going forward: phonics pouch & little phonics book, reading books and library books.  This gives us a chance to change them ready to come home on Fridays.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Harvest Festival

We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has contributed to our harvest festival collection for West Villa.  There was a lovely spread for our harvest festival in school this week.  Thank you also to those of you who joined us either in person or virtually.


Our doughnut disco turned into a brownie boogie as the kitchen supplied us with brownies for dessert as they hadn't got enough doughnuts to go round!  Everyone seemed to really enjoy their dancing on the playground!  Look out for the photos on the half termly newsletter coming your way soon!

PTA News

The PTA hosted a Gin night on Sunday and have reported that they raised £150 - thank you to the PTA for organising, and everyone who attended for supporting the event.  Next up for fundraising is the Halloween Trail - please find details attached along with a booking form - this needs to be returned to school by Thursday 21st October.  Don't miss the AGM coming up next Wednesday, the agenda is also attached to whet your appetite.

Parent Governor

We am pleased to inform you that we have received all documentation for Mrs Luisa Brennan to be elected as our new parent governor.  Her personal statement is below.

 I have been living in the village for the past 3 years and have seen how important the school is to the life of the village and what wonderful opportunities it gives to the children who live locally.  I would like to be able to be part of the governing body to help both Bentley and Copdock schools continue to thrive.  Furthermore, to help Bentley in their drive for pupil recruitment, and ultimately achieving outstanding from Ofsted.  
 My daughter Evie is in Year 2 and my youngest daughter India will hopefully join in a few years’ time.  Bentley is such a warm and supportive school, and it is lovely seeing the close relationships the pupils have with each other and their teachers.  
 As I am currently working part time I have the time to dedicate to further training, attend meetings and visit the school during the day.  Recently I have been through very vigorous Child protection training and Prevent training and am up to date on Keeping children safe in education.  I am keen to support the school and all of the dedicated staff that keep both Bentley and Copdock running so smoothly. 

We have also had two other parents enquiring about governor positions and we are in discussion about next steps.  This is really exciting as it means we have greater capacity on our Governing Board to really make a difference.  Thank you

Flu Immunisations

Please note we have a new date for the flu immunisations of 25th November - we will remind you nearer the time.  If you have yet to return your form either giving or declining consent, please send it in as soon as possible.

Learning Behaviours

This week's learning behaviour is Don't Give Up and the recipients are:

Kittens Emily Freddie
Squirrels Lacey Christian
Woodpeckers David Lexi
Foxes Joshua Jake

Words of the Week

This week's words to be heard are:

Reception big small
Years 1 & 2 primary colour secondary colour
Woodpeckers interpret respond
Foxes inherit modify

Dates for the Diary

Upcoming events to keep an eye out for:

13/10/2021  7:30pm PTA AGM School Hall
20/10/2021 First Class Supplement  
22/10/2021 PD Day No pupils in school
25-29 Oct 2021 Half Term  
31/10/2021  4:30pm PTA Halloween Trail £2 per child, see booking form attached
01/11/2021  8:40am Pupils Return to School  
03/11/2021 PTA Meeting  
11/11/2021 School Photos  

Please also keep an eye on the website for dates in the calendar and news and information about clubs and events.




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Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.