Copdock Weekly News 24.06.16

Dear All

Another busy week at Copdock Primary School.  All year group assessments are now completed, but the staff and children are still working hard.


  • please ensure that your child has their PE kit with them at all times, including trainers.  Sports Day is almost upon us and we will use any opportunity to let the children practice
  • Maths packs - if you haven't done so already, please return these to school to allow staff to rename them and get them ready for the new academic year.  Unfortunately, we will have to make a charge for lost items/packs.
  • a number of parents have been asking about lost items of school uniform.  Can you please check your child's uniform as named items have also gone missing.
  • sickness - if you child has suffered from sickness of diarrhoea, they should not return to school until 48 hours after the last bout.

Summer Fair

The Summer Fair is almost upon us and we are putting out a final plea for donnations for the same, if you can supply any of the following items, please drop them in at the office for speak to one of the PTA Committee:

  • Traditional Tombola Prizes
  • Teddy Tombola Prizes
  • Cakes & Bakes on the Day
  • Return of sold raffle stubs and money and any unsold tickets so we can sell these on the day.

Thank you to all the Year 4 children who behaved impeccably at the Year 4 sleepover.  Everyone had a fantastic time!

Library books- please return any outstanding books next week

Assessment questionnaires-Thank you to those who have returned their Assessment questionnaires.  If you haven't please return ASAP

Next Week

Wednesday - Foxes Trip to Felixstowe - non school uniform, sensible shoes, packed lunch, plenty to drink, suncreen (hopefully!) £2.00 for an icecream

Friday - Summer Fair at the end of the school day

Gentle reminder.  Our website has information on dates and letters sent home. Please check the website if you have any queries on dates and events.

Have a lovely weekend!





Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.