Copdock Weekly News - 01.07.16

Dear All

Apologies for postponing the Assembly on Friday.  Those children who should have been sharing during the Assembly will join and share during the Assembly on Friday this week. 


Sports Day Lunch - this is a "Grab n Go" style lunch, which had to be pre-ordered from the kitchen.  Please note that there will be no alternative lunch offered on the day.  If you haven't ordered a "Grab n Go" lunch and are not planning on bringing a picnic lunch please contact the school office tomorrow so that the kitchen can be notified of any additional numbers.

Sports Day - a letter has been sent home, providing details for the day.  Your child can come to school dressed in their PE kit, with team colour T-Shirt and trainers.  We are hoping for a Sunny Day so if anyone has a Gazebo or event shelter that they can bring to offer some shade we would be very grateful!

This Week:-

Tuesday - Foxes to Alton Water - Sailing - Children will require a packed lunch, please ensure that you read the information provided.

Wednesday - Year 6 Induction Day at East Bergholt High School - Class swap day for years R - 5.

Thursday - Sports Day - Grab n Go lunch (pre order only) or bring a picnic, join us at 12:00 noon

Friday - 2016 Foundation Intake Final induction morning, to include lunch.

             Assembly 2:45 - pupils who did not share their work on the 1st July will share along with those children                  scheduled to share this week

Please check the website regularly for any updates to the calendar or any news items.

Many thanks

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.