Copdock End of Year Newsletter

As we reach the end of the school year, we would like to thank parents for supporting their children's learning throughout the year; together we make a difference!
We look forward to welcoming you all back to school on Wednesday 6th September. The gates will be open so you can bring your children onto the school site before the bell rings at 8.45am. If you wish to do a quick drop off, staff will be available on the gate and playground from 8.40am to supervise as usual.
Please remember to check out our uniform policy ready for the new school year to ensure you give your child the best start with everything they need. School will be open from Monday 4th September for any last minute questions.
We will be writing to you before the start of term to notify you of any key information and updates. Weekly blogs from teachers will then begin on Monday 11th September. 
We wish you all a lovely summer break and look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 13th at 6pm for our Parent Welcome Session.

Election Results

Many congratulations to our new Head Pupils and School Councillors for next year.  They are:

Joseph & Arrietty are our Head Pupils; 

Councillors are: Willow, George B, Darcie, Benjamin, Eliana, Pippa, Alfie, Ellie, Bella

End of Year Awards

We are delighted to announce that both Copdock & Bentley have achieved the Platinum School Games award this year.  In our Leavers' Assembly this morning we celebrated a year of successes, the following children were recognised for their achievements:

Caring - Toby & Alfie

Achievement - Torryn & Aiyana

Sports Attitude - Delilah

Sports Achievement - Brendan

Music Award - Benjamin T & Bear

Commitment to Learning - Malakai

Head Teacher Shield - Jake

PTA Fundraising

This year the PTA have raised a fantastic amount of money to support our school and our children.  They're a fab little team which would really appreciate some more support.  Take a look at the attached leaflet to see which events helped them to raise over £4,500!  Please consider volunteering to help next year - the AGM will be in the autumn term - look out for dates when we return.

New Menu

From September we will be catered for by a new company called Lunchtime Co.  Please see attached the menu which will be available from the first day back.  The process for ordering and paying for dinners will remain the same.  We have also not increased the price of dinners at the moment - they will remain at £2.50 per meal for KS2 children, unless eligible for Free School Meals.  If your child is moving into year 3 you will start to pay for meals from September.  Please consider completing a FSM application if you think you may be eligible, regardless of what year your child is in - applications should be made online via this link.

Term Dates

The term dates for the next academic year can be found on the school website under the Parent Information menu.  The autumn term runs from Monday 4th September to Wednesday 20th December, with half term falling 23-27 October.  Please note we have 3 PD days next term - 4th & 5th September and also Friday 20th October.

After School Clubs

Next term we will be hosting Lego Club again for children in years 1-4 on Tuesdays.  Please see the attached letter from Kids with Bricks for details on how to join.  We will also be holding a sports club on Mondays for KS2 children.  Both clubs will start from w/c 11th September - more details on how to take part will be sent out in our first week back.

Thank yous

Staff would like to express their thanks for your help and support throughout the year and for the kind gifts given at the end of the year.  We look forward to working with most of you again next year.  Wishing everyone a very happy summer and our year 6s, best wishes for their new adventures.


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Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.