Bentley Weekly Update 4.11.2022

Welcome back!

Learners of the week
Try new things   - Austin and Poppy, Olivia, Margot
Value - Compassion - Sophia, Phoebe
Wolves -  Opaque and transparent 
Hedgehogs - prophet, mosque, and Year 2 word is deed


As the weather is now starting to get colder, please send children into school with a coat everyday.  We do try to get outside at break times even if it is chilly or spitting with rain.

Swimming and PE this term

PE day for Hedgehogs is Tuesday for Y2/3/4 and swimming Yr 3/4 Mondays (the last swimming session will be Monday 5th December)

PE day for Wolves is just a Tuesday.

PE day for Adders remains the same


Maths Workshops and shared learning

Thank you to everyone who attended our workshops this week. We hope you found them useful and thank you to all our families for coming into school to share your child's learning.


Have you seen the trip blogs and photos via the website?  The children have had a fabulous week - making the most of the activities on offer.  Hopefully they will tell you all about their adventures over the weekend!

Photos and Remembrance service

Don't forget we have Bentley Photographic in on Friday morning to take individual (& sibling) photos.  Please ensure the children are wearing their smartest uniforms, including a sweatshirt or a cardigan.  We are hoping that having photographs first thing will mean they look neat and tidy with lots of smiles for a lovely photo!

Afterwards we will be walking to the memorial in the village for the Remembrance service. Families are welcome to join us.

Flu Vaccinations

Don't forget to complete the e-consent forms for the flu vaccinations which will be in school on Thursday 10th November in the afternoon.


Christmas Cake club starts on Monday, we did have a big take up for this and due to not as many parent helpers as we needed we had to cap the number, apologies to any children who did not get a place. We will hopefully be able to repeat this next year!

Christmas craft club starts next Friday morning and there are still spaces on this if anyone else would like to join - it is £20 for 5 sessions - come along to make some Christmas themed crafts! Names and payments by Monday please so we can buy resources.

Lego club - there has not been enough take up for this to run this term.  It will be offered again after Christmas.

Sports Club - this will be open to Year 5 and 6 first and we will let Yr 3 & 4 parents know next week if there are spaces for them to also join.

Cinema Trip for Hedgehogs

A reminder that this is next Wednesday morning. Please see the letter that was sent out for details.

Mental Health& Well-Being 

 We are continuing to develop a whole federation approach to mental health and wellbeing which will contribute and promote improved mental health and wellbeing for our school communities. It will continue to build on from the systems that we already have in place: peer mentors, PSHE & RSE curriculums, online safety, nurture provision, safeguarding, anti-bullying. As we move forwards, we will post information in the newsletter to keep you updated about what we are doing and how you can support as a parent. Meanwhile, here is a link you may be interested in.Link   It is a free online webinar for parents about developing resilience and positive mental health. 

Policy Updates
We have updated our behaviour policy this year to include some new approaches around 'restorative practice'. The attached documents gives a brief overview and the full policy is available on the school website
Attendance policy - this is also available on the website. It has been great to see our attendance and punctuality remain high for most of our pupils. Thank you for your commitment to being in school on time ?
If a child's attendance drops below 95%, we have a duty to contact you to discuss how we can ensure it improves quickly. This is a supportive approach to ensure the children make the most of their time in school and therefore can make good progress. Learning starts straight away at 8.45am.
As you are aware holiday absence is not authorised as it is not considered exceptional by the DfE. Please be aware that this may lead to a fine if taken in term time. 

We are super pleased to announce that we have raised 

  • £168. 44 for the Halloween disco ?
  • £35.70 for Halloween fancy dress?
  • £366 for 100 club ?

The winners of the pumpkins were: Adders - Charlotte; Hedgehogs - Oliver;  and Wolves - Olivia - well done to the children and parents for all the amazing entries! 

A massive thank you for all your support from the PTA 

Also a reminder that our next meeting is Friday 11 November at 3:15 in school hall 

Have a lovely weekend!


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Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.