Bentley Weekly Update 11.11.16

Thank you to all who braved the cold to support the remembrance service at the War Memorial this morning. It was a poignant service and the children who spoke, Katie, Charlie and Alena, all did remarkably well. Our thanks too, go to Rev  Mehen and Craig Whale who each led prayers. We have been working with the children all week on what remembrance is and why it is so important, and we are ever so pleased with the learning they have done and the beautiful and insightful written pieces they have produced.

Parking – we realise that as the winter months roll in, many more people will be driving to school. We obviously don’t need to tell you how difficult the parking situation is getting at drop off and collection times, however, inconsiderate and dangerous parking is making the situation so much worse. Our neighbours in the house next to the school have always been great supporters of the school, and have done more than anyone could expect from neighbours, but repeatedly they are finding that they can’t get in or out of their own driveway due to parents parking in a way that is blocking them. We are currently looking at solutions long term to support parents with this issue but in the meantime, please, please park considerately and not in a way that causes any obstruction to other vehicles. One possible solution is to park in the village and walk down to the school. Alternatively, if any parents would be interested in managing a walk to school initiative, such as a walking train from the top of the road like we have done in previous years, please do come in and speak to us. We’d love to hear any other ideas for alleviating this situation.

Parents’ Evenings – Well done to all those parents who managed to navigate the online parents’ evening booking system. There are quite a few year 1 and 2 parents still not booked on. If you are having difficulties with the system please speak to either Mrs Rudge or Mrs Gunn who would be happy to help you.

Hedgehogs - Miss Young would like to congratulate all the Hedgehogs children on how well they have settled and worked in Adders class this week. They have all worked so hard and really risen to the challenge of being in with the older children. Well done!

Sing Up! Year 4 – Just a quick reminder that Year 4 pupils will need to meet the minibus, opposite the War Memorial, at 08:35am on Monday morning for transportation to the RHS for this event. As ever, Years 5 and 6 will also need to meet the minibus for transportation to Copdock.

Children in Need – The school council have organised a variety of events for this great fundraising day on Friday 18th November. Children can come to school dressed in spots if they would like to and all children will be taking part in a fun run in the afternoon from 1:30 – 2pm on the school field (weather permitting). If the weather is bad it will take place on the playground. Children can either run in their spotty clothes or in PE kits. From Monday, school council will be also selling Pudsey wrist bands for £1.

PE Kits - Please make sure your child's PE kit is in school every day but especially Thursdays. We had a number of children this week with no kit and this created a great deal of disruption, as another adult had to be taken away from their duties to look after these children who couldn't take part in PE. If your child is not taking part for a particular reason, please provide a written note to the class teacher as to why.

Dates for your Diary:

Monday 14th Nov               Year 4 to Sing Up! At RHS, need to meet minibus at 8:35am

Wednesday 16th Nov         Mrs Gibbons in for Wolves class

Friday 18th Nov                  Children in Need Day; dress in spots and fun run 1:30-2pm (see above)

Tuesday 22nd Nov             Parents’ Evening Years 1-4 3:30pm to 5:00pm

Thursday 24th Nov             Parents’ Evening Years 1-4 5:00pm to 7:00pm

Thursday 24th Nov             Tag Rugby Competition; if your child is selected a letter will be coming home

Friday 25th Nov                  Non uniform day in exchange for Christmas Fayre donations

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.