Bentley Weekly update - 8.7.2022

Learners of the week

Push yourself -  Oliver, Felicity, Tom, Otis, Kasper, Natalia, Ethan

Value - Respect -  Olivia, Charlotte, Mylie,Molly


Reception -   pier, marsh

Year 1 and 2 -  design, method 

Hedgehogs - skeleton and nutrition    

Adders -   magma, refraction, molten, dormant



In September please ensure that all children are wearing the correct uniform at all times, including PE kit. The guidance can be found on our website.  Please bear this in mind when purchasing uniform over the summer break.  You can send in good, clean 2nd hand uniform to be sold onto others, and you can also purchase items of 2nd hand uniform from the PTA.


This week some of our year 5s went to Northgate for a QuadKids event, they had a very good afternoon. next week it's the turn of Hedgehogs to enjoy the QuadKids event at Inspire.

Mersea Island trip

On Tuesday Wolves class are going on a trip to Mersea Island - it looks like being a hot day so please ensure that they are sent in with a large water bottle, sun cream and a hat. They do not have to wear school uniform but please ensure that their shoulders are covered and they are wearing sensible shoes for walking. Don't forget that they will need a packed lunch for their picnic. 

Pleasurewood Hills trip

On Wednesday Adders class are going on a trip to Pleasurewood Hills - it looks like being a hot day so please ensure that they are sent in with a large water bottle, sun cream and a hat.  Don't forget their packed lunch.  They should arrive at school at normal time, but don't forget they will be late back and should be collected from school. Children will be kept in groups with an adult at all times.  


A reminder that we will be holding School Council and Head Pupil elections before the end of term so please do speak to your children about these opportunities at home. Both roles will require children to reflect on the skills required to fulfil these roles and children will need to deliver a speech to the whole school explaining why they will be a good candidate for this position.

Head Pupil elections will be open to current Year 4/5 pupils. A copy of the job description has been available in the classroom to support applications.

Elections will be held on:

  • Head Pupil Elections - Thursday 14thJuly, at 9am.
  • School Council Elections - Monday 18thJuly, at 9am.

Class Swap Day

On Friday morning, 15th July, the new starter children will be having their last induction session and staying to join the rest of the children for lunch. 

All children will be going up to their next class on Friday morning to see where they will be based, and meet their friends and teacher ready for next year.  


Please ensure that all dinner monies and morning club payments are settled in full by the end of term. Please pay in advance for the last 3 days of term. If you are not sure of your child's balance please contact the office.

A reminder that PGL payments can still be made for the residential trip taking place in October, full payment needs to be made by the end of September please.  If you have any concerns with payments, please contact the office. 

Thursday's menu

Next week's grab & go on Thursday will be margherita pizza with wedges, or vegetarian enchilada, crunchy veggie sticks, followed by smoothie ice cream.  Jacket potatoes with cheese and beans will also be available.

Reading Books

Please can all reading books be returned this week and a reminder to return maths bags please

Lego Club

Yesterday was the last lego club of the term; a big thank you to Mrs Rivers for leading on this all term.  It will start again in September, details to follow at the end of the term.  A reminder that there is a summer challenge - letter is attached with details.

Sports Tokens

Don't forget to send in the sports tokens.  They finish being published next week, so there will be 8 bonus tokens every day next week in the local press! 

Asda meals for £1 for children over the summer
Please see an article about cheap £1 meals for children at Asda all summer




Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.