Bentley Weekly Update 30.9.2022

Learners of the week

Push Yourselves   - Phoebe, Lillianna, Ben, Philippa, Ethan, Molly

Value - Generosity - Margot,  Ella, Ethan,  AJ



Wolves - evergreen and deciduous 

Hedgehogs - digital and roaming 

Adders - astronomy and codex


MacMillan event

Thank you to all of you who donated a cake or attended the Macmillan event this afternoon, it was well attended and we have raised a lot of money, we will let you know the grand total next week.


Harvest Service

It was lovely to see so many parents on Wednesday afternoon at church. The children were very excited to share their songs and poems with you and had a lovely afternoon.  We were overwhelmed with all the donations of food items that you kindly sent in. 

100 Club

 A reminder to parents from Louise Freeman that 100 club has now been extended to Wednesday 5th  October -it is £12 for 2 numbers - friends, family, staff and  grandparents all welcome. 

Advert for Kitchen Assistant

Please find attached an advert for a Catering Assistant at Bentley - please contact Norse directly if this is of interest to you. 

(There are also 2 other adverts for a mobile cook manager and a cook manager at Stratford St Mary Primary school.)

Adders music trip

Adders children will be visiting Ipswich School on the morning of Thursday 6th October for a concert by the British Army band (who recently performed at the Edinburgh Tattoo).  The children will be travelling by coach, Hot dinners can be ordered as normal.   This is covered by the local visits permissions.

Mrs Robinson would like to invite parents into school on Monday 17th October at 2.45pm for a meeting to discuss expectations, what to bring and answer any questions.  A kit list will be emailed to you during the next week or so. The website for the centre is:
Young Voices - Adders
Thank you for your responses to the Young Voices trip in February. Please look out for a form next week that needs to be completed regarding Tshirt packs and adult tickets required. The deadline for this is half-term.
Uniform order
The order has been placed and uniform ordered should be in at the end of next week.  If you have not yet paid please could you send in cash or cheque via your child on Monday. Thank you

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Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.