Bentley Weekly Update 24/06/16

Mrs Robinson is beginning her road to recovery and hopes to be home next week. We have put in place alternative provision right through to the end of term now though, as sadly it looks like Mrs Robinson will not be able to return before the end of the school year; Mrs Windmill will remain with Adders class as their teacher for this duration. Thank you to everybody who has expressed their concern and best wishes, we are visiting Mrs Robinson frequently so any cards and wishes will be communicated to her. Mrs Robinson is very sad to be missing this time with the children and hopes to see you all very soon.

Algebra Session – Parents are warmly invited to join Mrs Rudge for a session on algebra to gain a better understanding of what it is, and how it is used and taught. Anyone is welcome to come along, but it will be particularly helpful to those parents of children in current Reception and Year 1. It will be held on Friday afternoon from 1:45pm in the school hall. If you are able to attend it would be really helpful if you could let us know so that we can prepare the right number of materials.

Kingswood – A gentle reminder to all those parents of children in years 4 and 5, that final payments for the Kingswood residential trip in November need to be made by the end of this term, 21st July. Thank you.

PE on the field – We had a number of items left on the field this week following PE, it would be really helpful if you could please remind your child/ren to check that they have everything before they leave. We will open the gates off the main road at the very end of the session for parents to be able to park on the field if they need to, but please can you leave the area as promptly as possible as there is a football club running on the field after PE.

Whole school train trip – we are all very excited about the trip next week. If you haven’t already done so, please return the permission slip promptly as we will not be able to take any child who does not have a signed permission. One possible fly in the ointment might be the weather; given how unpredictable it has been of late, it is worth mentioning that if we have torrential rain on the day, we may have to postpone it. However, in the event of light rain it will still go ahead.

Summer Fete - Today’s non-uniform day has been very successful in terms of items collected for the tombola at the PTA summer fete. Thank you to everyone who donated items, but a special thank you to Spike and Sue (Trinity’s parents) who put together an amazing array of beautiful prizes all presented in cellophane and ribbons. Their contribution has doubled the number of prizes available!

Sports Day – A letter went home yesterday outlining the details for Sports Day this year. All children will need a packed lunch on the day and a drinks bottle as we will be having a picnic lunch on the field and spending the afternoon up there. We will take water with us for children to be able to top up their bottles as necessary. Children will be in different colour teams; the children’s names are on the letter for you to be able to see which team your child is on. If you need an electronic version of the letter emailed to you, please let us know.

Parliament Trip – Pupils in years 4, 5 and 6 have the opportunity of visiting parliament on Wednesday 20th July. A letter with the details and a permission slip to return has been sent home with the children today. It is going to be a long day, packed full of exciting activities, and we are really looking forward to it. Mrs Parnell from Copdock and Mrs Windmill will be leading the day; if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Next Week – With so much going on, we thought it might be helpful to give you a reminder of dates on a week by week basis:

Monday 27th June            8:00am Forensics Club (replacing the missed session on Friday last week)

                                         Final Day for any Sainsbury’s Vouchers to be handed in

Tuesday 28th June           Mrs Rudge on a course all day, Mrs Austin covering Wolves Class

Wednesday 29th June     Whole School Train Trip to Woodbridge

                                        2nd Induction day for pupils going to Holbrook Academy in September

Thursday 30th June         Year 6 Photos at Copdock am, whole school photos at Bentley pm

Friday 1st July                  Last Day for Badgers at Copdock

                                        1:45pm Algebra session for parents and Governors

Saturday 2nd July             PTA Summer Fete 12-3pm on the school field

Please can you also remember to return your child’s maths bag during next week. Thank you. Wishing you all a lovely weekend.



Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.