Bentley Weekly Update 24.03.17

There are lots of events coming up and information to give you this week, so without further ado……

Phonics Screening Parent Chat – The parents of children who are due to take part in the Phonics Screening assessment next term have been sent an email this week about a parent chat session in preparation for the event. If your child is part of the group due to take part (Mrs Rudge will have already spoken to you) you are warmly invited to come along to the chat on Friday 21st April at 2:15pm. It will be a great opportunity to find out more about the process and get advice on how to support your child at home. Please let us know if you can come along.

Christmas DVDs – We realise Christmas seems like a lifetime ago now, but we are pleased to confirm that the DVDs of the Christmas plays are now available and are just £2.50 each. If you would like a copy, please send the money in a named envelope into the school office.

Family Health Workshop – Children in years Reception, 1 and 2 have been learning about keeping healthy as part of their topic on our bodies, and we are very pleased to confirm that we have a special visitor coming in to talk to us about dental hygiene and healthy diets. We would love as many parents of children in these year groups as possible to come along and join in this interactive session. It will be held on the last day of term, Friday 31st March, from 1pm. On the day all the children will need to bring in a named toothbrush please. If you can come, please download the “Be Food Smart” app on your phone before the session.

Walk to Church - As you all know (with the exception of those children taking part in the cross country competition), we are fortunate to be invited to the church on Wednesday 29th March to take part in the “Easter Experience” again. Just as a reminder, all children will need to be collected from the church at 3:15pm and not the school on the day. We are in need of adult helpers to walk the children down to the church after lunch. If you are willing and able to help us out with this, please email in to school. Thank you.

…and other help – Can you spare just an hour a week to come in and hear children read, go through keywords or help stick sheets into books? If you can, we would love to hear from you. You would need to complete a volunteer application form (it is only short) and we would need to carry out a DBS check on you. Please speak to Mrs Rudge about volunteering; application forms are available from the school office.

PE Kits – The requirements for PE kit in school is as follows:

A plain white t-shirt

Black or navy jogging bottoms or shorts

Black or navy tracksuit top

Sensible plain trainers or plimsolls

Unfortunately, a number of children are bringing in items of clothing that do not meet these requirements, including different coloured trousers or t-shirts with pictures or sparkles on; some are failing to bring any PE kit in at all. Please support us to make PE provision as effective as possible by checking your child’s kit over the Easter break and replacing any unsuitable clothing. Children should not have earrings in on PE days either, please make sure they are removed before coming in to school. From Easter, PE will take place on Mondays and Thursdays for all year groups. However, additional PE sessions will be put on at different times so children need their kit in every day.

Farm and Country Fair – Years 3 and 4 are set to visit this year’s Schools Farm and Country Fair at Trinity Park on Thursday 20th April. Letters have gone home with all the details. Please ensure your child has a packed lunch and drinks with them on the day and suitable footwear.

A Weed Need – The poor chickens, as you know, have to stay in at the moment due to the government restrictions in place in the light of bird flu. They are not getting a great deal of greenery and are rather fond of dandelions. If you do any gardening this weekend and pull up any dandelions, we would be very pleased to receive them here for our feathered friends. Also, we are looking for volunteers to help feed and water the chickens over the Easter break. They will be cleaned out and will only need one visit a day to top them up. If you can do just one, two or even more days over the break, please let us know. Thank you.

African Adventure – A few families have already fully paid for the African Adventure residential trip in November. For those of you who haven’t, just a gentle reminder please that payment has to be made in full by Wednesday 19th July 2017.

Attendance – Overall attendance this term has been very good and we are looking forward to giving out a record number of 100% attendance certificates for the term next week. We have looked at the attendance for each registration group for the year so far and the results were….

4th place – Wolves with 96.6%

3rd place – Adders with 97.4%

2nd place – Hedgehogs with 98.1%

1st place – Badgers with 98.3%

Dates for your diary

Tuesday 28th March Coffee and Chat at 2:30pm

Wednesday 29th March Easter Experience – collect from church 3:15pm

Wednesday 29th March Cross Country Competition Years 4, 5 and 6

Friday 31st March Family session staying healthy 1:00 pm (Years R, 1, 2)

Friday 31st March Extended family assembly from 2:30 inc Easter Bonnets

Friday 31st March Last day of half term

Tuesday 18th April Pupils return

Tuesday 18th April Mad Science workshop Adders

Thursday 20th April Years 3 and 4 to the Farm and Country Fair

Friday 21st April Phonics Screening parent chat from 2:15pm

Monday 24th April Special lunch for St George’s Day

Thursday 27th April Year 6 Spelling Bee at EBHS

Friday 28th April Non-uniform day for donations to bottle tombola

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.