Bentley Weekly Update 24.02.17

World Book Day – As per the letter that was sent home just before the half term break, we will be celebrating World book Day here at Bentley on Friday 3rd March with a visit from children’s author Lisa Kellett, writer of Adders Class’ favourite book of the moment, Goldfish Boy. Children can dress up as their favourite book character if they would like to. We will be taking photos on the day and sending some for publication in the Ipswich Star’s WBD special.

Free After School Club – There will be a free after school club on Thursdays 3:15 to 4:15pm for children in Adders class starting next Thursday 2nd March. The club this time will be a running club in preparation for the cross country competitions coming up later this year. If your child would like to take part in this club, please email in your permission by next Tuesday 28th Feb at the latest.


Junior illustrated grammar and punctuationPunctuation and Grammar – The parent grammar workshop run by Mrs Robinson this week was a great success. Parents who attended said they enjoyed it and learnt a lot. A limited number of packs are still available if you were not able to come along, please let either the office or Mrs Robinson know if you would like one. In addition to this, we have been offered a very good and useful book to help children, at a great price; the Usbourne Children’s Illustrated Guide to Grammar and Punctuation has an RRP of £26 but we are currently able to get hold of copies for just £3. If you would like to order a copy for your child please put the correct money in a marked envelope and hand it in by Tuesday 28th Feb.

Uniform at Tesco – Our school jumpers and cardigans with the school emblem embroidered on them are now available from F&F at Tesco. You can order items online by clicking on the link below and entering the school’s name:

A sample of the sweatshirt is available to have a look at in the office. The quality is not as good as the ones we get from our current suppliers but the costs are slightly lower. Do feel free to come and have a look at the sample sweatshirt to get an idea of what they are like.

Parents’ Evenings – As many of you are aware, we trialled setting up the parents’ evenings here at Bentley on the school’s website so that parents could book their own slots. It was the first time we had done this and there were a few challenges along the way but eventually all the creases were ironed out and we hope that this time it will be much more straight forward. We are currently working on the finer details, but for children in Reception to Year 4, slots will be available on Tuesday 14th March between 5-7 pm and Wednesday 15th March between 3:30-5pm. As soon as we have set these up on the website you will be sent an alert to tell you that you are able to book a slot. We will also endeavour to send an email to you when the booking system goes live. To book a slot you will need to log in as a parent with the details you were provided with; once you have logged in you will see a tab called “Parents’ Evenings”, when you click on this slots available with your child’s teacher will be visible (this is blank at the moment as we haven’t made the booking system available yet). Please be aware that if you have more than one child in these year groups, you will need to click on each child’s name and go to the parents’ evenings tab to book a slot for each child. To switch between children you will see at the top right of the screen a tab that says “You are viewing:” followed by the child’s name, simply click on the triangle next to the name to bring up a list of all your children at the school. If you have forgotten your log in details, please contact the school office who can help you with this. For children in years 5 and 6, slightly longer appointments are being arranged; please keep an eye out for an email with more details about this. All children in all year groups (with the exception of Reception) need to be at the appointment as they will be sharing and discussing their learning as part of the process. If you want to speak to your child’s teacher away from your child, they will still need to be there for the first part of the appointment but there will be an opportunity for a private discussion for the last few minutes.

Reception – Please could children in Reception bring in a photo of their family on Monday for a mini topic they will be doing. Thank you.

Red Nose Day – Red noses for Comic Relief will be on sale for £1 from Monday. We only have a limited number available to sell and we anticipate they will go quite quickly. Just a reminder that on Friday 24th March will be a non-uniform day (optional) and children can come to school wearing something red in exchange for a £1 donation that will go to Comic Relief. There will also be cakes for sale during break and after school to raise money for this charity; cakes will be either 20p or 50p.

Coffee and Chat - thank you to those parents who attended our meeting yesterday. We discussed the possible solutions for resolving the current 'parking crisis' and have arranged another meeting to follow up any final proposed actions to try. CLICK HERE for info. Please do try to come along if you can. 

Dates for your diary:

Tuesday 28th Feb Special Shrove Tuesday Lunch Menu

Tuesday 28th Feb Basketball Comp selected Year 5 and 6

Tuesday 28th Feb Shrove Tuesday Activities (whole school)

Friday 3rd March World Book Day – Come dressed as your favourite book character

Tuesday 14th March Wolves trip to Colchester

Tuesday 14th March 5-7pm Parents’ Evening

Weds 15th March 3:30-5pm Parents’ Evening

Friday 17th March PTA Easter Bingo

Friday 24th March Wear Something Red for Comic Relief

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.