Bentley weekly update 23.9.2022

Learners of the week

Work Hard -  Saffire - Rose, George, Darcy, Lucy,  Harry, Kayleigh-Anne


Wolves - Light and dark

Hedgehogs - ancient and transform.

Adders - soluble and reversible


Adders notices

Snack Shop
School Council are going to be running a Snack Shop starting Monday 26th September during playtime.  We will be selling bread sticks, rice cakes, cheese crackers and digestive biscuits.  The children will be allowed to spend up to 20p per day which is a £1 a week.  If your child would like to buy a snack, they will need to be responsible for their own money and keep it safe in an envelope or wallet.


If you have not done so already, please also let us know if your child (Adders) is able to attend Young Voices in February.  Please see the leaflet attached to the email sent a couple of weeks ago for more information.  Don't forget that PGL payments are due by Friday!  Please either pay by cash, cheque or via the website.  If you have any issues with payment which we are not already aware of, please get in touch as soon as possible.


Swimming reminder

Swimming for Year 3&4 children will resume on Monday.


Reception children

It has been lovely to see the children having more confidence this week and some are now walking in with their friends or siblings, or with Miss Cooper when she meets them at the gate. Thank you to reception parents for encouraging this, Miss Cooper will continue to meet them at the gate next week and Ms Rivers will wait to greet them at the classroom.



Please ensure that lunches are paid for at the end of each week.

Macmillan - Friday 30th September
We can't wait to welcome you into school on Friday 30th September for some relaxing entertainment over coffee and cake. Doors will open from 2.30pm and children will be entertaining from 2.45pm.
Donations all go to Macmillan so please give as generously as you can for this important charity.
Entry for adults will be £2 and children 50p (this includes your refreshments)
All school children will have a cake in their class following performances (allergies catered for). Please send 50p donation in with your child on the day.
Thank you for supporting us with our annual Coffee afternoon.
Together we can make a difference?
Harvest Wednesday 28th September
We hope you will be able to join us for our Harvest Festival at the Church.
All food donations will be shared with the Homeless Families Unit in Ipswich. Contributions of tinned / packet food will be gratefully received on the morning so these can be transported to the Church. 
Thank you
Parent workshops
Following our parent questionnaire last year, we are pleased to launch the first of our parent workshops for this coming year. Thank you for sharing what you would find most useful in supporting your child's learning. 
How to support next steps in reading (Year 2 to Year 6)- 12th October 6pm (creche provided if required) Venue to be confirmed. Please confirm attendance 
Maths workshop - learn alongside your child - see dates below.
Y5/6 - 31st October 2.20-2.50pm (before shared learning)
All other classes 9-9.30am 31st October.
Please confirm attendance. 
We hope to see you there!
PTA meeting
There will be a PTA meeting after school on Friday 30th September (after the Macmillan event) children will be supervised in a classroom. 

Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.