Bentley Weekly Update 23.09.16

We now have all data sheets and permissions returned, thank you all for your prompt response to this. The majority of children have their homework books covered now, if your child hasn’t had a chance to do theirs, please could it be done over the weekend ready for Monday.

Well done to all the children who achieved stickers for reading this week. Some children even got 2 stickers for 10 reads! Please encourage your child to read at least 5 times a week and don’t forget, there’s a prize for the winners of the reading challenge.

Harvest – The Harvest Service will be held next Tuesday, 27th Sept, from 2:30pm at the church (St Mary’s, Church Road). We would be grateful for any donations of dried / tinned goods to go to the homeless families unit at West Villa. Please check best before dates on anything donated. The worship group have been working hard preparing for the service and we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the church. Please park in the church car park rather than on the road as the minibus will need to be parked near the bus shelter. Please note, all children need to be collected from the church at the end of the school day.

With the nice weather we have been having it has been great to be able to use the school field for PE, we will continue to do so while the weather permits. If you drive to collect your child from the field, please may we ask that you ensure your vehicle is off the field promptly as there is an after school sports club straight after PE. This is a safety precaution to help keep those children at the after school club safe. The gates will be opened at 3:05pm for you to be able to drive in, please do not queue on the road if you arrive before this time as this causes an obstruction and hazard for other road users. We need all vehicles off the field by 3:30pm at the very latest please. We don’t want stop parents being able to park on the field for collection, and we hope you will work with us in partnership to make this work otherwise we may have to consider not allowing vehicles on the field at all. Thank you for your cooperation.

Assessment Update - Following our review of assessment and reporting in the summer term we have made a few changes to the way we will be working with pupils and parents / carers this year. Thank you to everyone for the helpful comments shared as it has enabled us to make a few amendments which hopefully will ensure a clearer approach to assessment for all. The document is accessible on the school website along with further information about expectations for each year group.

Homework – Hedgehogs have a reading comprehension exercise to complete in their homework books as well as their keywords and spellings. They have been working on their 2 times table this week and need to practice this at home too.

Years 3, 4 and 5 have Abacus maths games to complete by next Friday. A few children still had games outstanding from last year on Abacus and these have been removed now so they are starting with a clean slate. Children each have 6 games that need to be completed.

Dates for your diary:

Monday 26th Sept – Years 2-4 swimming in the afternoon

Tuesday 27th Sept – Harvest Service at 2:30pm at the church – children to be collected from church this day

Friday 30th Sept – PTA AGM at 3:15pm in the school hall. Please come along and support the PTA, Mrs Rudge has offered to watch children while the meeting is taking place.

Tuesday 4th Oct – Phonics Workshop for parents of children in Reception, year 1 and year 2 to be held at Copdock school from 2:15pm

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.