Bentley Weekly Update 21/04/17

Just a brief update this week. There are lots of trips and events coming up so please do refer to the calendar and the dates listed below.

Forest Schools and Gardening – All children in years Reception, 1 and 2 will continue to do gardening every Monday afternoon and will need old clothes and shoes / wellies. These clothes will need to be taken home every week (including by children in year 2) due to lack of storage space in school, with one exception….next Tuesday 25th April, all Key Stage 1 children will be doing Forest Schools in the afternoon so their gardening clothes can stay at school on Monday night ready for the next day.

Important things to remember – Children MUST bring their homework book (Yrs 2-6) and bag (all year groups) EVERY DAY! Some children are regularly failing to bring these in. PE kits need to be in every day as well as PE activities take place on different days throughout the week and children need a water bottle in school every day also, particularly as the weather get warmer. Thank you all for your support.

Literacy – Children in Reception and Year 1 will be bringing home today a story with actions to learn. Please could you support them at home to learn the story and the actions that go with it (the actions are written on there). This will help them with their reading and writing especially when they start writing their own stories. Thank you.

Chickens – Thank you ever so much to Alena, Blossom, Reuben and Iona who all did a fantastic job of looking after the chickens over the Easter holiday. If anybody can help out at weekends or during school holidays, please speak to Mrs Duff or Mrs Gunn, they would be very pleased to hear from you.

Forth-coming trips – Wolves have their trip to Orford Castle next Wednesday, thank you to those parents who have already returned their permission slip and contributions. If you have not had the chance to do so already, please ensure these are handed in by Monday. Thank you. Adders have two outings on the same day coming up – on 3rd May selected pupils from years 3 and 4 will take part in a cross country competition while the rest of Adders Class will be visiting Ipswich School to see the amazing and inspiring African Children’s Choir on their fund-raising tour of the UK. Letters about both these events will be emailed home next week.

Dates for your Diary:

Mon 24th April Special Lunch for St George’s Day (see notice board or last newsletter for details)

Weds 26th April Key Stage 1 to Orford Castle

Fri 28th April Non-uniform day in exchange for donations for the PTA bottle tombola

Tues 2nd May Mrs Rudge out, Mrs Duff covering Wolves

Weds 3rd May Selected year 3 and 4 pupils to cross country competition

Weds 3rd May Adders to Ipswich School, African Children’s Choir

W/C Mon 8th May SATs week for Year 6

W/C Mon 22nd May SATs week for Year 2

W/C Mon 22nd May All children in years 5 and 6 to travel to Copdock every day this week

Friday 26th May Last day of half term

Mon 5th June PD day for staff – no pupils in

Tues 6th June Pupils return

W/C Tues 6th June All children in years 5 and 6 to travel to Copdock every day this week

W/C Mon 12th June Phonics screening week for all children in Year 1 and those who have missed out previously

Weds 14th June Quad Kids for years 5 and 6

Thurs 15th June Sports Day

Friday 16th June Den day for Save The Children (old clothes to be worn)

Fri 23rd June Crucial Crew Years 5 and 6

Friday 23rd June Year 4 sleepover at Bentley

Sat 1st July PTA Summer Fete 12-3

Mon 10th July Bikeability Years 5 and 6 (day 1)

Tues 11th July Bikeability Years 5 and 6 (day 2)

Weds 19th July Leavers’ assembly at church 9:00am

Weds 19th July Leavers’ BBQ from 6:00pm

Fri 21st July Last day of term


Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.