Bentley Weekly Update 17.03.17

The sun is shining and the weekend is upon us. What more could we ask for?

Colchester Trip – Years R-2 had a fabulous time on their trip to Colchester Synagogue and Natural History Museum this week. There are lots of pictures in the news item about the trip. You can this by clicking on or by looking on the news section of the website. Since their visit, children have continued their learning and produced some really thoughtful and beautiful pieces of work about what they have learnt. The weather stayed fine and we all enjoyed eating our picnic lunch in the park. Thank you to you all for sending your children in fully equipped for the day.

Swimming – The final swimming session of the year will be on Monday 27th March. There is no swimming next term as it is jam packed with a host of sporting events and activities. Swimming will resume in September, as in this year, we anticipate taking all of years 2, 3 and 4. The children have really enjoyed the provision this year and certificates of their achievements will be sent home shortly.

Easter Experience – As in previous years, we will be visiting the church to take part in The Easter Experience. This is a lovely afternoon for the children who will move between stations set up around the church to gain some hands-on learning about the story and meaning of Easter. We will all (with the exception of the children involved in the cross country competition) walk down to the church after lunch on Wednesday 29th March and children will need to be collected at 3:15pm from the church, not from school.

Cross Country Competition – Selected children from years 4, 5 and 6 will be taking part in this huge event held at the Royal Hospital School. They will be representing the school against hundreds of children from other schools. This year’s competition will be held on Wednesday 29th March, so these children as described above, will not be able to take part in the Easter Experience. Letters have gone home with those children selected and replies must be returned by Thursday 23rd March in order for your child to take part. The letter has also been emailed to the parents of the participation children. Bentley has a great history of success at the cross country event and we wish all the children taking part good luck!

Coffee and Chat – Thank you to those of you who came along to the last coffee and chat session to discuss solutions to the current parking issues. The follow up to this is now scheduled for Tuesday 28th March at 2:30pm. The head pupils, Max and Shania, will also be coming along to the meeting to join in the discussion and share the pupils’ view of the problem.

Easter Bonnets – Just a reminder, as detailed in the newsletter two weeks ago, our annual tradition continues this year and we invite children to design and make their own unique Easter Bonnet for this year’s competition. With the numbers as they are in the school now, we have decided to have a prize for each year group. The bonnets will be paraded during family assembly on Friday 31st March; to accommodate this event as well as all the other celebrations of achievement that we usually have, family assembly will start earlier on this day at 2:30pm.

Money Practice – Mrs Rudge’s morning group will be looking at money over the next two weeks. It would be really helpful if your child could practice playing with money at home and giving change. Please could you encourage and help them to recognise the different coins and notes.

Reception – Reception children are about to undertake a topic on travel and the world. We realise not many people use them anymore, but if you have any travel brochures at home that we could use, we would be very grateful. It would also be lovely to be able to use any photos you may have of holidays you have been on.

Dates for your Diary

Tuesday 21st March           Mrs Rudge out, Mrs Gibbons supply

Friday 24th March               Wear Something Red for Comic Relief

Tuesday 28th March           Coffee and Chat at 2:30pm

Wednesday 29th March      Easter Experience – collect from church 3:15pm

Wednesday 29th March      Cross Country Competition Years 4, 5 and 6

Friday 31st March               Family session staying healthy 1:30 pm (KS1)

Friday 31st March               Extended family assembly from 2:30 inc Easter Bonnets

Friday 31st March               Last day of half term

Tuesday 18th April              Pupils return

Tuesday 18th April              Mad Science workshop Adders

Thursday 20th April             Years 3 and 4 to the Farm and Country Fair

Monday 24th April               Special lunch for St George’s Day

Thursday 27th April             Year 6 Spelling Bee at EBHS

Friday 28th April                 Non-uniform day for donations to bottle tombola



Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.