Bentley Weekly Update 16.9.2022

A reminder that Monday 19th September is a Bank Holiday for the Queen's funeral, so school will not be open on Monday.


Learners of the week

Tune in  - Olivia, Arabella, Otis and Felicity, Malachi and AJ

Value - Generosity - Kasper, Albie,  Ethan, Luther


Wolves - ocean, polar

Hedgehogs - absorb and kingdom

Adders - polytheistic and filtration

Adders Notice

Homework to be completed and handed in on Tuesday next week.  Don't forget to cover homework books with wrapping paper, stickers, etc.. to protect it.

Dinners Next Week

As we are not in school on Monday, the menu on Tuesday will be what was to be offered on Monday - pizza or oriental quorn, with vanilla ice cream for dessert.  (It is a week one)

Young Voices

Further to our email last week, Adders parents please don't forget we need confirmation ASAP that your child is able to attend the Young Voices concert in February.  Please see attached for further information.

School games gold award

We are delighted to announce that Bentley CEVC Primary School have achieved the School Games Gold Mark Award for the 2021/22 academic year. Please see information attached,

Dates to remember

Harvest Service -  Wednesday 28th September 2.45pm at Bentley Church.

We are delighted to be able to visit St Mary's Church this year for our Harvest Celebration. Younger children will be transported on the minibus but older children will enjoy the walk. Parents are welcome to attend for a 2.45pm start, where all classes will share a special song, poem or activity with you. If you would like to support the walk to the Church please contact the school office for more information.
Parents will need to collect children from Church please for 3.15pm. If your child will be attending After School Club, please ensure we know so we can arrange for them to be transported from the Church. 
Collections of tinned / packet food can be brought in on the morning and these will be transported to the Church. We will be supporting the Homeless Families Unit in Ipswich so they will receive all donations along with Church contributions too.
We look forward to seeing you there.

Macmillan - Friday 30th September

We are taking part in the Macmillan Coffee event on Friday 30th September at school at 2.45pm.  Parents are welcome to join the children in the hall for cake and a class activity.  Any cake donations will be greatly received on Friday morning.

Flu vaccinations

The immunisation team will be in to do flu vaccinations on 10th November, further details and forms will follow when we have received them from the immunisation team.

After School Clubs

After school clubs start next week - Tuesday 20th - Dance Club for all year groups, and Sports club for Yr 5/6. Times are 3.15 - 4.15pm.  Please can you ensure that if your child wishes to take part in either club that they let Sarah know / the office know this weekend. Please collect children from the playground at 4.15pm.


If anyone is able to re-home our remaining 2 chickens or if anyone knows someone who would be able to re-home them, please could you contact the office.

Office un-manned in the morning

As Mrs Cumberland is on the gate at the start of the day, the office is un-manned between 8.35am and 8.50am.  If you have any queries or notes to hand in please see her at the gate or come to the office after 8.50am.

Drop off and collection

Now that the new reception children have had two weeks to settle in to school, from next week, please can parents enourage the children to leave you at the gate and walk into school on their own, perhaps with a friend or a sibling to build their confidence and independance in school.  If they still have worries about coming in to school, then could you walk them to the playground, just for next week, but then leave them with their friends to be met by their teacher.

At the end of the day we will lock the woodland gate at 3.30pm, so if you are still on the school playground after then, please exit via the main gate. Many thanks for your support.

Uniform order

A reminder that if you wish to purchase any new uniform that orders and money need to be in by Wednesday please. The PTA also have good quality second hand uniform. 


If any parents are able to help us with some small DIY jobs or know of any handy-man who has insurance and could help us please could you let us know.  We have a growing number of small jobs needed to be done in school.


Football Flyer

Please see details of some free football sessions, run by an external provider.

Cherry Blossom outreach services

Please find attached details of the latest timetable of what they offer.





Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.