Bentley Weekly Update 15.7.2022

Learners of the week

Don't give up - Philippa, Poppy, Eliza, Noah, Albie, Oleh, Isla


 Value - Respect - Mario, Felicity, Angus, Hugo


Lunches next week

Next week's lunches will be a 'Grab and Go' menu - it can be ordered in the normal way on the day but we are just letting you know the options as they are different to what is on the week 1 menu

Monday - margherita pizza, wedges, veg sticks followed by ice cream.

Tuesday - Chicken wrap, hash browns and veg sticks, or vegetable goujon wrap, followed by brownie

Wednesday - Burger and chips, or vegetarian sausage and chips, followed by flapjack and fruit. 

There will not be a jacket potato option for next week - please contact the office if this causes any issues.

Uniform reminder

A reminder to check the uniform guidance on the website before purchasing new uniform to ensure the correct uniform is being worn at all times next year.

Worship Group 

It is the last worship group lunch on Tuesday so the children can bring in packed lunch that day if they attend. 

Payments for lunches / morning club reminder

Please ensure all payments are made over this weekend so any outstanding monies are paid by the end of term.

No swimming Monday

There is no swimming on Monday next week, PE kit should still be worn on Monday. 

Reading books

Please return any reading books by the end of Monday please

Class purchases

There are some class purchases still in school that were made by the children, please see your child's teacher if you  still wish to purchase one.

Summer Reading challenge

Children will be bringing home a Summer Reading challenge book today - "Queen Elizabeth, a platinum jubilee celebration"

School events next week
Monday - School elections. 
Tuesday Leavers and BBQ 
Wednesday - brain sticker treat day 

Leavers assembly and BBQ

Children should be dropped off at the church at 8.45am. All parents are welcome to attend. Staff will be available to support drop off from 8.40am at the church entrance if you are not staying so parents can drop off and go.

The leavers BBQ will be from 5-7pm.  The PTA will be selling food & drink with prices from 50p.  All year groups and their families are welcome to attend to help us say goodbye to our year 6s.
Clubs and events over the summer break
Remember to check the website for any clubs and events happening over the summer break

Last day of term

The last day of term is Wednesday 20th July, all children return on Monday 5th September.  Please remember to collect all medication from the class teacher on the last day, it can be checked and use by dates checked and returned to school in the new term.



Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.