Bentley weekly update 13/05/16

Weekly Update


What a fantastic week! Well done to all the Year 6 pupils who conducted themselves brilliantly during their SATs, not forgetting the Year 5s who sat a number of assessments at the same time. Their trip to Chantry Park today is well earned and the sun is shining to make the day all the more enjoyable.


Talking of the sun, during this summer term, please ensure your child has sun cream /sun hat and a drinks botte with them in school every day. A named container of sun cream can be kept in school; please also make sure that sun hats are named. Water bottles are imperative at this time of year and can be refilled as many times as a child needs during the day. Thank you.


Homework - Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 all have a lot of games outstanding on the Abacus website, please support your child in completing these at home. They are so useful for both reinforcing what they have learnt at school but also as a way for us to be able to see where a child may need a little more support. Year 1 need to be practicing their phonics still, ready for the phonics screening later this term. Years 3 and 4 have reading homework and Year 2 have their reading workbooks as explained in the letter from Mrs Robinson to help prepare for their SATs; the year 2 SATs will be held between the 23rd and 25th May.


Reception have been making their own books all about caterpillars and butterflies – they have produced some beautiful pieces of work and can’t wait to show you their efforts at the next sharing of learning session on Friday 10th June.


Wolves have all started an experiment growing cress in different conditions. Some are being given different amounts of water, some are in shade and others in light. They are dotted all around the school in various locations and we have made predictions about how well they will grow. Watch this space to see if our predictions came true! We have also been learning about deciduous and evergreen trees in the UK. If you are out and about this weekend you might want to talk to your child about the trees around you and what type of tree they are. The link below may be helpful:


Adders class invented recipes for delicious smoothies this week and then made their own healthy drinks as part of their healthy bodies topic. We had great fun combining ingredients, tasting the concoctions and assessing what went well and what didn’t taste so good.  Quite a few children tried fruit that was new to them and we had a lot of fun in our learning as well as looking at how important healthy food is to our wellbeing. To follow this up, we have a nutritionist coming in next Wednesday to give us lots of ideas for healthy meals; she will even be bringing in examples of lots of different healthy foods. The school will cover the majority of the cost for this but we are asking for a 50p voluntary donation from each child to help towards it. Thank you in anticipation.


Following on from last week’s Ascension Day activities, the whole school will be taking part in a day of Trinity activities, again with the help and support of both St Mary’s and the Baptist Churches. We hope to be able to put lots of photos on the website of the day as soon as possible afterwards. Also next week we are being visited by Counsellor Gordon Jones. He has been ever so supportive of the school in recent times and has been a strong advocate for us in relation to the expansion we have experienced recently. We look forward to welcoming him to our wonderful little school.









Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.