Bentley Weekly Update 12.5.2023

Learners of the week

Push Yourself - Safire and Adelaide, Ben and Jacob P, and all Year  6 children who took their SATs this week
Value - Service -  Raffie, Jacob P, Mario, Evie, Izzy and Kayleigh 
Wolves -  community and bark
Hedgehogs -  forum, barbarian  year 2 word - thrive 
Adders -  amorphous, biomorphic
SAT's week
As you know this week has been SATs week.  Year 6 children have been amazing, they have all arrived on time, all with a smile and they have been mature and calm.  They have all worked so hard this week.  As a special well done they enjoyed some time watching a film after their final test this morning; unfortunately it was too wet and cold to visit the park.  Well done to year 6s and their parents for supporting them. Attached is a lovely photo of them enjoying their pre-SATs breakfast together.
Staffing Update
We are pleased to let you know that Ms Rachel Cook will be joining us more formally from September, remaining in Hedgehogs class alongside Mrs North. Mrs North will also return to working full-time, Monday to Friday.
Mrs Carlie Fisher will continue to work within Wolves Class, supporting the learning needs of the children within the class. 
Worship Group
Will be on Tuesday 16th May - children should bring packed lunch where possible please.
Reminders for next week
Just a reminder as we have not been in school for the last two Mondays....
Yr 2 have swimming - remember to send their swimming things
Yr 3 , 4, 5, 6 have PE on the field, remember to wear PE kit and send plenty of water, and wear sun cream if it looks like the sun may shine.  Children can be collected from 3pm at the field to allow parents to get to school to collect siblings.  Some Adders parents have already given permission for children to walk home or to the memorial from the field.
It is also the start of our new lunchtime football club 
  • The KS2 session will be held from 12.00 to 12.30pm with children eating lunch afterwards. It would be preferable for them to bring a packed lunch that day if possible, so they don't miss the start of their club. 
  • The KS1 session will run from 12.30 - 1.00pm once they have eaten.  Reception children will have a separate session to learn fundamental skills from 1.00 to 1.45pm. 
Friday - Football Tournament
Adders will be joining Foxes at St Joseph's College on Friday for a football tournament. Please see the email sent out earlier this week. There will be time for children to have a hot dinner before they leave. If we get through to the knockout stages, they may not finish until 4pm.  Parents are welcome to watch - the College will be putting on Afternoon Tea for parents to purchase during the event.  Please can you confirm if your child will need transporting back to school after the event, or if you will collect from the tournament, if you haven't already done so.  Those participating need to come to school in PE kit with water and snacks.
Walk to school week
Get your walking shoes on!  Children can meet at the memorial each day next week at 8.35am to all walk to school together - see email for details! (no scooters or bikes please)
Change to Lunch on Thursday for Census day
On Thursday our catering supplier are changing the menu to 'Heroes Lunch' please see the menu attached.  There is no need to pre-order this.  Also, they have advised that  it will be ice cream for dessert on Monday instead of yoghurt.

Uniform Order

This term's uniform order is available from today.  If there is any uniform you would like to order please complete the order form (attached) and return it to school by Monday 22nd May.  Payment can be made in cash (in a named envelope please), by cheque (made payable to 'Bentley Primary School') or via the website.  Orders will not be placed until payment has been received.  Regardless of how you pay, you MUST send in an order form.  Please note there has been a slight increase in some of the prices to reflect those made by the manufacturer.

Monday 22nd May - Project - Letters In The Landscape .
We have been lucky enough to have been offered an exciting photography opportunity for children In Years 4, 5 and 6 to take part in a project called 'Letters in the Landscape'  Children will be taking part on a walking photography workshop in the area close to school that could be photographed and explored through the viewfinder. 

Please keep an eye on the website calendar for events coming your way.  In the meantime, here's a quick heads up on an exciting event coming your way!

Could you be the next big thing... why not find out at our next event

 'We've Got Talent!'

singing  dancing  comedy  music  magic 

Hold the date - Friday

7th July in the afternoon

at Copdock Village Hall

(final details to follow)


Auditions will be taking

place after half term for

children interested in

taking the stage.

Adults who wish to be considered for a 'spotlight' should contact the school with details of their 'talent' for consideration. We have a limited number of 'spotlights' so please apply asap.

Returning to work?

Please see a poster from Suffolk County Council promoting new pilot scheme aimed specifically at parents looking to return to work after an extended career break due to parental responsibilities.


Upcoming events over the next couple of weeks to keep an eye out for:

15.05.2023 Yr 2 swimming, KS2 PE on the field collect children from the field from 3pm
15.05.2023 Football club at lunchtime sign up to join
16.05.2023 PE Club after school  
17.05.2023 Adders Guitar lesson pm  
18.05.2023 Wolves Stay and Play and Stay session 2.55pm  
19.05.2023 Football Tournament for some Adders children  
29.5.23 to 2.6.23 Half -Term week  
5.6.23 PD day - no children in school  

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Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.