Bentley Weekly Update 11.11.2022

Learners of the week
Tune in   - Amy and Safire. Ace and Sophia, Charlotte and Roman
Value - Compassion - Raffie, Poppy, Faith
Wolves -   ribbon and marinade 
Hedgehogs -  multi-purpose and pentatonic.   Year 2 word - extinguished
Adders - biome and upthrust



Children all looked very smart for their photos this morning, The children will be bringing home a slip with instructions on how to order. Once the photos are available we will notify you so that you can view them and order them online.  Please see attached for details.

Anti-bullying Week
Next week is Anti-bullying Week and our Head Pupils will be leading our Monday assembly to support pupils to 'Reach Out' if they ever experience bullying behaviour. Don't forget to wear odd socks all week to show your support!
A useful poster is attached to highlight how you can support your child if they experience online bullying.

Children in Need- Friday 18th

It is Children In Need on Friday 18th November and School Council have decided what we would like to do to raise money for this worthy charity.  As it is a SPOTacular theme this year, we would like the children to dress up in spotty clothes, cover their faces with spots and have a cake sale at the end of the day.  We are of course aware that there has been a lot of things going on this term already which have asked for money, so it will be a voluntary contribution of £1 to either dress up spotty (and faces if wanted) or in non-school uniform.  We will also need contributions of cakes for the cake sale on the day that we will sell for 50p each.  

Christmas cake club 

If your child takes part in Christmas cake club, please can you send in a cake tin / tub for Monday, it needs to be of a decent depth and able to take a 8inch square cake and have a lid. If your child is attending and you are able to help on Monday 21st November, it would be much appreciated.

Football Festival - Wednesday 16th

For those Hedgehogs participating in the Football Festival next Wednesday, please ensure they come to school in PE kit, a tracksuit and with a coat and water bottle.  Please remember they will not be back in school until 3:45pm at the earliest and will therefore need collecting later than usual.

Tag Rugby - Friday 18th

For those Adders who are competing in the Tag Rugby next Friday, please remember to drop them at the memorial in the village where Mrs Austin will meet them - it is earlier than normal at 8:35am!  They will need to wear their PE kit, a tracksuit and have a coat, as well as a water bottle.  Don't forget they will also need to bring a packed lunch.

School Applications

If you have pre-school children who were born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019 or know of any parents, it is very important that you make an application for a full-time school place for your child for the 2023/2024 school year by the closing date of Sunday 15 January 2023. Please see poster attached. 

Don't forget the open days and evenings are: Bentley Open Day - 15th November at 9.30am, evening on 24th November at 6pm. Copdock Open Day - 17th November at 9.30am, evening on 23rd November at 6pm

Parent Consultations

This is some early warning for you that parent consultations will take place during the week commencing 28th November.  There will be 2 sessions, one on Wednesday 3:30-5:30pm and one on Thursday 5-7pm.  Slots will be bookable via the School Spider website so please ensure you have your parent login and that it is working.  We will let you know via the newsletter when they are open for booking.

Christmas Dinner Wednesday 14th December

We will be having our Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day on Wednesday 14th December, the menu and how to order will be coming soon.

Christmas performances - Tuesday 13th December

Reception, Year 1 and year 2 - 1.30- 2.00pm or 6.00 - 6.30pm

Yrs 3 - 6 -  2.15pm -  3.15pm or 6.45 - 7.15pm.

Details of how to book tickets to follow soon


Christmas key dates

Here are the key dates to note regarding Christmas activities - further details will follow as they get closer, but we thought it would be helpful to let you know in advance:

01/12/2022 Advent Tree Service Parents welcomed to share our service
07/12/2022 Bypass Nursery Singing Everyone welcome to join us
13/12/2022  Christmas Performances - see above for times Ticket information to follow
14/12/2022  Christmas lunch and jumper day Pre-order coming soon - there will be a deadline
16/12/2022 End of term  

After School Choir

Please see a poster from one of our parents for a choir after school club taking place on a Monday at Orwell park school. it is free to join, please email [email protected]

Sleep Support

Please find attached a flyer about sleep support that might be useful.


Please do take a look at our website.  We get asked to share lots of information with you, rather than send it out via email we advertise a lot of things via the website here - please check in on a regular basis.  


Have a lovely weekend!


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Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.