Bentley Weekly Update 09.12.16

What a fabulous week! Thank you to everyone who has donated an extra gift for a child living in a homeless shelter this Christmas, there is a wealth or prezzies under the tree ready to be sent to the charity FIND.

Menu Changes – The dessert on Fridays on Week 2 of the menu, has been permanently changed to chocolate cake – the chocolate and mandarin puddle cake wasn’t terribly popular, but we all love chocolate cake! On Tuesday 20th Dec the last day of term, there will be fish (or Quorn Frankfurter) and chips on the menu instead of the sausage plait. Dessert will be chocolate cake!

Head Lice – We have had a couple of reported cases of head lice in school. Please check your child’s hair regularly with a nit comb (even if they are not itching) and treat if required. Please also remind children not to put on other people’s hats in the cold weather as the infection can spread very quickly through the school.

Christmas Dinner Money – Thank you to those parents who have already sent in payment for Christmas Dinner, if you haven’t done so already, please could you send it in by next Tuesday 13th Dec. For children in years R, 1 and 2 the meal is free, for all other children it is the standard meal price of just £2.30.

Bras for Charity – One of our year 6 pupils, Shania, is involved with a charity who help women in the poorest parts of the world. They have identified that underwear is a luxury many women in abject poverty simply cannot afford and are prime targets for trafficking and abuse; women in these areas that do have underwear are considered to be ‘looked after’ and are much less likely to be attacked. Shania is looking for support from the families in our federation by simply sending in any unused / unwanted bras (too small, too big, just not wanted anymore etc) in a bag to the school office (not via children please) and we will get them to Shania’s mum for passing on to the charity. Alternatively, a packet of new knickers / pants for children or women would be a wonderful contribution. More information about the charity can be found on their website

Christmas Jumpers – All those wonderful, bright knitted delights will have their chance to shine this year! If your child would like to, they can bring their Christmas jumper in (in a named carrier bag) to wear during the Christmas dinner next Thursday and for the Christmas Fayre on Friday. We will not be wearing them in the day just for these two events. This is completely optional so please do not feel that you have to rush out and spend a fortune on a Christmas jumper if you do not already have one!

After School – To maintain the safety of the children after school, please may we politely remind you that all children and parents / carers need to be off site by 3:30pm. Thank you for your co-operation.

Cake Club – The children involved in this year’s cake club have excelled themselves and produced some stunning designs. We hope to include photos of some these works of art in the half termly newsletter coming out next week. Our thanks go to Jenny and Jane and all the other parent helpers who made the club possible this year. We wish Mrs Brammer (who has run the club for 20 years!) well and a speedy recovery and know she would be very proud of the children’s hard work this year.

Parent Survey – Thank you to all those parents who took the time to complete the online survey. The Governors are now looking at your feedback and will be giving their response in their newsletter before Christmas.

Christmas Plays – Is there anyone who would be willing to record the children’s Christmas performances and produce DVDs for sale? If you have the equipment and the time, we would be exceedingly grateful to you if you could come and record the dress rehearsals on Tuesday morning. If you can help, please email in or speak to Mrs Rudge. Thank you.

Adders Singing at The Case – We need some parent helpers to walk with us to the Case is Altered Pub on Wednesday 14th Dec straight after lunch (1pm). If you can help us out, please email in or speak to Mrs Bobinson. Thank you.

Dates for your diary

Tuesday 13th Dec         Christmas plays performances

Wednesday 14th Dec    Adders singing at Case pub

Thursday 15th Dec        Christmas Dinner

Thursday 15th Dec        7pm Carols at the Village Hall

Friday 16th Dec             Christmas Fayre 3:15 – 5:00pm

Tuesday 20th Dec         Last day of term



Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.