Bentley Weekly Update 09.09.16

Weekly Update From Bentley Primary

Welcome back! We hope you have all had a good first week back; the children certainly have settled in to school life very smoothly this week and are already showing how keen they are to grow their brains!!

Please ensure your child has a drinks bottle in school every day as they need frequent hydration in this hot weather and during all the exciting physical activities we are taking part in every week.

Hopefully you have all had the chance to read the welcome back letter emailed out on Monday. Some eagle eyed of you noticed an error on the sharing learning assemblies schedule that was sent out, a revised list has been put on the website – this and all letters sent out can be found by clicking on this link

Some dates to note in your diary:

Monday 12th Sept – Years 2-4 swimming in the afternoon

Tuesday 13th Sept – 8:45am Year 1 Parents chat with Mrs Rudge (15mins). Expectations for the year.

Wednesday 14th Sept - 8:45am Adders Parents chat with Mrs Robinson (15mins). Expectations for the year.

Thursday 15th Sept - 8:45am Year 2 Parents chat with Miss Young and Miss Wilding (15mins). Expectations for the year.

Friday 16th Sept – 1:30pm Passport To The World event at Copdock Village Hall – all welcome! All children need packed lunch and need to be collected from Copdock Village Hall at 3:15pm.

Bit of advanced notice for you, the very well supported Macmillan coffee afternoon will be held on Friday 23rd September from 2:30pm. This follows a meeting for Reception parents with Mrs Rudge from 2:00pm. Please come along if you can; any donations of cakes would be gratefully received on the morning of the 23rd.

Thank you all for helping to make sure that this week has been a fantastic start to the new school year!




Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.