Bentley Weekly Update 09.01.17

Welcome back! We hope you had a fun-filled and rejuvenating Christmas and New Year and look forward to all the new challenges and achievements in 2017.

SATs Years 2 and 6 – The run up to the SATs for pupils in years 2 and 6 has begun. A variety of extra support has been planned and teachers will be in regular contact with parents about how best to support your child to get the possible outcome. If your child is in year 6, please do get in touch with Mrs Parnell at Copdock if you need any further guidance, the email address there is [email protected] For parents or children in year 6 (year 5 may find it interesting also), the following link may be of interest to you

Clubs – Thank you for your speedy responses about the various clubs running this half term. There are still spaces available for the Fun Singing Club after school on Wednesdays, this is open to all children in all year groups and will run from 3:15 to 4pm. If your child is taking part in the drum and guitar lessons starting 19th Jan, the tutor should have been in touch with you via email to arrange payment etc. your child will need packed lunch on Thursdays if they are taking part in the lessons. Finally, the mini-golf after school club for Adders and year 2 will run until Thurs 9th Feb.

Playground – Thank you to all those parents who have been collecting their children at the end of the day and ensuring that they are off site by 3:30pm, it has resulted in a significant drop in incidents and accidents; however, a number of children are still not being monitored by parents / carers and are still on site after this time. Please ensure you are off the school grounds by 3:30pm every day with the exception of Thursdays when we have after school clubs when we would ask you please to leave the grounds promptly on collecting your child at 3:15pm. Last Thursday there were a number of children still running around and the equipment set out for the club was kicked around and had to be set back up. Thank you for your cooperation.

Bentley the Rooster – As many of you will know, our clever hens managed to hatch 4 chicks last summer, three girls and a boy. The only cockerel in the bunch has now been rehomed at a residential care home that has many chickens; our thanks to Kerry (Yasmine’s mum) for organising this, she has sent us some photos, and as you can see, he seems to be very happy among his new collection of hens. They have named him “Bentley” after the school.

Topics – Topic plans are now on the website under the class pages – this half term Adders will be doing ‘Marvellous Mayans’ and Wolves and Hedgehogs will be doing ‘Super Scientists’. Keep an eye out for homework and requests for help over the next few weeks.

Sharing Learning – The schedule for this term of children sharing their learning during family assembly was attached to the half termly newsletter that went out in December. A copy of this can be found on the website by clicking on the link below or by visiting the half termly newsletter page. You will see on there that there is only one session for parents to come in and share learning with their children this term as it is such a short term; this will be held on Friday 24th Feb. If you have more than one child please feel free to come in any time from 2:15pm, if you are sharing work with only one child, please come in from 2:45pm.

Dates for your diary:

Wednesday 11th Jan Fun Singing Club 3:15 – 4pm

Thursday 12th Jan Mini-golf Club 3:!5 – 4:15pm

Monday 16th Jan Mrs Robinson out a.m, Mrs Gibbons supply

Thursday 19th Jan Drum and Guitar lunchtime lessons

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.