Bentley Weekly Update 07.10.16

Some of you may remember that we were visited here at Bentley recently by Councillor Gordon Jones, who very kindly donated a sum of money to the school for some additional exterior lighting, Hi-Vis vests and reflectors to improve the children’s safety as we go out and about this winter. The Hi-Vis vests and reflectors have arrived now and as you can see, the children look very smart in their new vests with the school logo clear for all to see. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank Councillor Jones again for his generous donation, it is very much appreciated.

Tickets are now available for the Eco Council Halloween Party which is set to take place on Monday 31st October, straight after school to 5pm. Tickets are just £2.50 and include a hotdog and drinks. Please let us know if your child would prefer a vegetarian sausage when you send the money in for tickets. Face painting will be available during the party for just £1, Aimee Louis and Alison Partridge have very kindly agreed to do this which is great as the rest of us could not do as good a job! There will be a prize for the best Halloween costume, however, it is completely optional to wear a costume, if your child would rather just bring their party clothes to change into, that’s absolutely fine.

In the last update there was information about a new Where’s Wally Blog on the Wolves page. You do not need to log in to view this blog and comment, but as yet, we don’t appear to have had anyone respond to this. The information from the last update is copied below:

“Wolves - On Wolves class page there is now a Where's Wally blog for the children to have a look at at home and see if they can guess the photo of Where Wally is.  It can be found on the Wolves class page under the list of blogs. Or by clicking this link:

Also the children will be taking it in turns to bring Wally and his diary home for the night and write down what he has been doing at your house and draw a picture”. 

Kingswood residential – a letter will be coming home with all children in years 5 and 6 with details about the residential trip to Kingswood in November. Please make sure you read it carefully and return the Suffolk County Council parental permission form by Monday 17th October.

The PTA Race Night is nearly completely sold out, at the time of writing this, there are only 10 tickets left! There are also a few horses still available for sale – horses cost just £5 each to buy and you have a 1:8 chance of winning £20! If you would like a ticket or to buy a horse see Nicki White or anyone else on the PTA committee asap!

Years 3, 4 and 5 have reading comprehension homework to complete by next Friday. Many children have still not completed their Abacus maths homework set previously. If your child is having trouble with either of these tasks, please come and talk to Mrs Robinson at the start of next week in plenty of time to finish the tasks.

Dates for your diary:

Tuesday 11th –           Year 6 to Bentley, not to Copdock in the morning

                                    Mrs Rudge out – Mrs Gibbons supply

Wednesday 12th -       PM Individual and sibling photos

Thursday 13th -           PM Year 6 nurse checks

Saturday 15th -            PTA Race Night

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.