Bentley Weekly Update 05.05.17

African Choir Trip – Adders class travelled to Ipswich School this week to see a choir made up of children from Africa who have lost one or both parents to famine or war. Their performance was inspiring and we learnt a lot about the charity supporting the children who have organised this tour. Sincere thanks to all those parents who felt able to make a donation, a total of £61.40 was raised by Adders parents for the charity. You can find out more about the charity and it’s work on their website

Chickens; The New Generation – As we are sure you already know, three of our hens have successfully hatched eggs in the last couple of weeks. The children have loved holding these little balls of fluff. We are hoping that there are a number of females among them; assuming they are, we are planning to sell this new generation when they are old enough. If you would be interested in finding out more, please speak to Mrs Gunn.

Under 9s Cross Country – Children from years 3 and 4 took part in the first under 9s cross country event at East Bergholt High School this week. They all did extremely well and showed great team spirit and support for one another. They competed against pupils from 5 other schools and we are very proud of their achievements on the day - Joshua C ran a fantastic race and came 2nd out of everybody!!! Well done Josh. A special mention too for Charlie; when he had finished he ran back round the course to support two other children who were still running. He kept them company and encouraged them along. Well done Charlie!

Parental Help – Thank you to all those parents who have helped with events and trips recently and to Spike for putting together our new chicken storage shed. We are looking for your help again….Years R, 1 and 2 will be sewing on the afternoons of Weds 17th May and Fri 19th May. Mrs Rudge would really appreciate some additional adult help on these days. If you can give a little bit of time on either of these afternoons, please do speak to Mrs Rudge or email in your availability. We are still also after some teeth for a science experiment we hope to do in Wolves class. If you can negotiate anything with the tooth-fairy, please hand any spare milk teeth to Mrs Rudge. Thank you.

Dates for your diary:

W/C Mon 8th May        SATs week for Year 6

W/C Mon 22nd May     SATs week for Year 2

W/C Mon 22nd May     All children in years 5 and 6 to travel to Copdock every day this week

Friday 26th May          Last day of half term

Mon 5th June              PD day for staff – no pupils in

Tues 6th June             Pupils return

W/C Tues 6th June    All children in years 5 and 6 to travel to Copdock every day this week

W/C Mon 12th June Phonics screening week for all children in Year 1 and those who have missed out previously

Weds 14th June         Quad Kids for years 5 and 6

Thurs 15th June         Sports Day

Friday 16th June        Den day for Save The Children (old clothes to be worn)

Fri 23rd June              Crucial Crew Years 5 and 6

Friday 23rd June        Year 4 sleepover at Bentley

Sat 1st July                PTA Summer Fete 12-3

Mon 10th July            Bikeability Years 5 and 6 (day 1)

Tues 11th July           Bikeability Years 5 and 6 (day 2)

Weds 19th July          Leavers’ assembly at church 9:00am

Weds 19th July          Leavers’ BBQ from 6:00pm

Fri 21st July               Last day of term



Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.