Bentley Weekly Update 04.11.16

Parent Survey - As part of our autumn term monitoring, Governors on the Personnel and Communications Committee are reviewing general school provision. This will involve speaking to children and parents about school life. As all parents will be coming into school over the next week or two for Family Learning Conversations we would like you to take this opportunity to share your views via a short survey on the school website. You will need to log in to your personal space with the password recently provided to access the link. Laptops will be available for you to access the survey in school when you attend for your appointment. However, you can access this via your phone too.

Halloween Disco – Thank you so much to everyone who bought a ticket and supported Eco Council’s Halloween Disco; it was their most successful event to date. We are especially grateful to all those parents who came to help on the day – your support made a huge difference! Thank you.

Lost Uniform – The problem of missing belongings is still an ongoing issue. We have a number of unnamed items still but even named items are going missing now. Please take some time to check at home that the jumpers etc your child has brought home haven’t got muddled with someone else’s.

Cake Club - If your child is in Adders and would like a place on the club, please return the slip at the bottom of the letter that came home, by Monday at the latest please.

Kingswood – If your child is going on the residential trip next week, please remember to bring a packed lunch for the journey – pupils need to be in school by 10:45am. All medications (with written instructions) and pocket money to be handed to Mrs Robinson before departure.

Next week – Years 2, 3 and 4 will be taught by Miss Young and Miss Wilding as Mrs Robinson is going on the Kingswood residential. Children in these year groups will have spelling tests as usual on Monday and will need old clothes and old shoes or wellies in a named bag on Tuesday as they will be doing some gardening activities. Year 3 and 4 have almost all completed the maths homework set before half term with only a few exceptions. If your child has not completed this task it needs to be done so by Monday otherwise, your child will have to complete it during their lunchtime. No other homework has been set for years 3 and 4 this week. Year 2 have the usual times tables and spellings to learn, there is also a reading comprehension task to complete.

Adders – Many children are not bringing in their homework books and log books. These need to be in school every day please.

Wolves – A new Wally blog has been set up on the Wolves page of the school website. Only one child completed the blog set for over half term. If you are having problems accessing the blogs, please speak to Mrs Rudge.

Reading Challenge - Well done to all those children who got stickers for reading this week, keep up the good work! Some children read over the half term break as well and gained an extra sticker. However, only about half the children got a sticker at all this week – it is so important that children read at home. Please encourage your child to read at least 5 times a week.

Dates for your diary:

Monday 7th November -              Years 5 and 6 to Kingswood Residential

Tuesday 8th November -               Nasal Flu Spray for years 1, 2 and 3 (if parent permission completed)

Wednesday 9th November -          New Parent Open Evening from 6pm

Friday 11th November -                 Service at the War Memorial, arrive 10:50am

Monday 14th November -              Year 4 to Sing Up! At RHS

Tuesday 15th November -             Mrs Rudge out, Mrs Gibbons covering

Friday 18th November -                Children in need, including sponsored fun run

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.