Bentley Weekly Update 03.10.16

Slightly later news than usual this week as we wanted to report the outcome of the votes for the vacancies within the PTA. We are pleased to announce that Aimee Louis (Hugo and Poppy’s Mum) was voted in as Chair Person, Louise Hamilton (Jennifer’s Mum) has stepped in as Secretary and Clare Hunnings (little Ruby’s Mum) has taken on the role of Finance Officer. Congratulations to you all and we look forward to working with you and your committee this year. We remember gratefully as well, the hard work and commitment from Alison Partridge, Amy Schofield and Annette Hunter who, along with a host of other amazing volunteers, have done so much for the school. Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who came along to support our Macmillan coffee afternoon; we equalled our total last year raising £150 for the charity. Thank you especially to all those children, parents and grandparents who baked or bought a range of cakes for the event, we had a fabulous turn out.

Wolves - On Wolves class page there is now a Where's Wally blog for the children to have a look at at home and see if they can guess the photo of Where Wally is.  It can be found on the Wolves class page under the list of blogs. Or by clicking this link:

Also the children will be taking it in turns to bring Wally and his diary home for the night and write down what he has been doing at your house and draw a picture. 

Adders – Don’t forget Abacus maths games need to be completed by this Friday if your child has not already done so. We haven’t heard from anyone that they are having any more problems logging in so we assume all children are now accessing the games. Spellings each week are stuck into children’s homework books and need to be practiced in the book. Finally, we would like a parent helper to come with us to the Music Festival on Friday afternoon. If you are free and would like to come please speak to Mrs Robinson.

Dates for your diary:

Tuesday 4th October –        Badgers to Bentley, not Copdock

                                             2:15pm Parents Phonics Workshop (years R-2) at Copdock

Friday 7th October -             Mrs Rudge out all day, Mrs Gibbons covering

                                             PM Adders to Music Festival at Ipswich School

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.