Bentley Weekly Update 03.02.17

The warmer weather has been a welcome addition this week and it has been nice to see the odd bit of sunshine! It certainly helps when we’re outside bird watching.

Grammar Workshop – hopefully you will all have read the email from Mrs Robinson about the next grammar workshop for parents due to take place at 6pm on Wednesday 22nd February here at Bentley. Please email in to the school office if you are planning to come so that enough parent packs can be produced. These workshops have always been found very useful by parents and are open to parents of children in any year.

Sainsbury’s Vouchers – Sports Crew would like to ask for your help in collecting this year’s Active Kids vouchers from Sainsbury’s. As a small school we need to spread the word to get enough vouchers to get some nice kit. Please ask your friends, family and colleagues if they would help us collect vouchers. A box will be put in the entrance corridor for vouchers from next week. Thank you.

African Adventure – We have now booked the final numbers for the African Adventure residential trip due to take place in October for years 5 and 6 (current years 4 and 5). If your child has handed in their deposit and permission, they will have been given a payment card this week to take home. Please check your child’s bag if you haven’t received this.

Blast Off! – Continuing with rewarding hard work and perseverance, we are very pleased to be able to offer 2 of our year 6 pupils a very special trip out next week to an exclusive event at The Royal Hospital School. A limited number of children from local schools have been invited to take part in ‘Blast Off!’, a hands on day of fun and exploration of brass instruments with some of the leading musicians in the country. Max and Shania have demonstrated determination and concentration in the flute lessons that years 5 and 6 have been having, and along with 3 pupils from Copdock will be travelling to RHS to take part in this inaugural event.

Up to date contacts – Thank you ever so much to those parents recently who have come into school to let us know about changes to their contact details. We send out data collection sheets at the start of every academic year to check we have the correct contact information about you, but if anything changes, please do not wait for this to be sent to you, please do let us know so we can update our records. Thank you.

Wolves and Hedgehogs – In addition to their usual 5 reads, years 1 and 2 have homework to complete; Year 1 have been given a sheet about halves to bring home to complete. Please work with your child to complete this fun activity. Hedgehogs have their homework as outlined in their homework book but it would be a great help if you could work with your child to practice the names of 2D and 3D shapes and their qualities such as vertices, faces and edges. If you have any questions or would like some guidance, please speak to Miss Young. Years 1 and 2 have a sheet to fill in over the weekend also about their online activity. This is in preparation for e-safety week next week.

Adders – Years 3 and 4 have maths homework that can be found and needs to be completed in their homework books. Year 5 have maths and reading homework – please can a grown-up check their work before it is handed in, as this week there were a lot of wrong and missing answers. Thank you.

Dates for your diary:

Monday 6th Feb    Blast Off! at RHS

Tuesday 7th Feb    Safer Internet Day Adders and Badgers

Friday 10th Feb     Safer Internet Day Hedgehogs and Wolves

Friday 10th Feb     Last day of half term

Monday 20th Feb  Pupils return

Weds 22nd Feb      Mrs Rudge out, Mrs Keedle supply

Weds 22nd Feb      Grammar Workshop for parents 6pm

Thurs 23rd Feb      Coffee and Chat 2:30pm

Friday 24th Feb      Tractor into School

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.