Bentley Weekly Update 02.12.16

The school is alive with the sound of music! Christmas is nearly upon us and there is so much going on over the next couple of weeks….

Singing at Bypass Nurseries – Don’t forget, we are meeting at Bypass Nurseries in Capel St Mary at 6:15pm this evening to take part in the annual Christmas evening they hold. The children have been practicing their songs and they are set to impress! See you all there.

Singing at Bentley Village Hall – Another evening event for the season, this time it is at Bentley Village Hall, 7pm on Thursday 15th December. We do need to know which children will be attending so please could you email in if your child is taking part. Thank you.

Year 1 and 2 woodwork – If you have not already done so, please see Mrs Rudge to book in for a half hour slot to help your child make a photo frame. Thank you.

The Tree Service was lovely today, the tree looks fab and worship group put together a lovely assembly. Thank you to all those parents who came along. As per the last update, please bring shoes in on Monday ready for St Nicholas’ Day on Tuesday. For those of you who are new to Bentley, we have a Christmas post-box in the main entrance to the school for children wanting to send Christmas cards to their friends. Every day selected children empty the post-box and distribute the cards.

The Christmas performances will be held on Tuesday 13th December. Each class will put on 2 performances of their show; Wolves will perform at 1:30pm and 6:00pm (children need to be in school by 5:45pm at the very latest but no earlier than 5:30) and Adders will perform at 2:15pm and 6:45pm (children need to be back in school at 6:30pm at the very latest but no earlier than 6:15). If you have children in both classes, there will be a supervised area for sibilngs as there won’t be seats available for them. Rest assured, the children will get to see the other class’s show the day before parents do! There will be 2 tickets per family per performance so 4 tickets overall. Please could you email in by Thursday 8th December with how many tickets you would like for each performance so we can distribute any spares to those who would like extra.

A new literacy tool has been bought into by the school and can be found on the website or by clicking on the link below:

On it is access to a wealth of free eBooks for you to share with your children at home. The user names are wolves123 or adders and the password is bentley. We hope you enjoy them!

Adders class will be singing at the Case Is Altered Pub after lunch on Wednesday 14th December. If you do not wish for your child to take part, please email in or send a note. They will only be there for a short while and will be back long before the end of the school day.

Cake Club next week will be for 2 hours.

Dates for your diary

Monday 5th Dec                  St Nic’s Eve – bring in a shoe

Tuesday 6th Dec                 St Nicholas Day’ – see what he has brought us!

Tuesday 13th Dec               Christmas plays performances

Wednesday 14th Dec          Adders singing at Case pub

Thursday 15th Dec              Christmas Dinner

Thursday 15th Dec              7pm Carols at the Village Hall

Friday 16th Dec                    Christmas Fayre 3:15 – 5:00pm

Tuesday 20th Dec                Last day of term

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.