Bentley Weekly News 17.06.16

Dear All

This half term is flying by with plenty of activities taking place.  Congratulations to all pupils who took part in the Cross Country hosted here at Bentley CEVCP School and also to those who participated in the Quadkids Competition at Northgate Sports Ground.  Thank you also to all parents and grandparents who supported and marshalled at the Cross Country especially to Jodie Deasy who supported staff for the entire Quadkids event.

Swimming Provision

We have been made aware that there has been some discussion and confusion on the playground about the swimming arrangements.  Hopefully this will clarify the worries which appear to have been raised.  Please ask if you have a question as this can often prevent misinformation being passed on.

We have 2 fully qualified swimming tutors at the pool who can teach shallow and deep water sessions.  Miss Young is also fully qualified in swimming tutition in shallow water.  Therefore we have 3 qualified swimming tutors.  Tutors can teach up to 20 children in their group depending on the ability of the children.  Obviously Year 1 children need far more supervision and therefore the ratio of adults to pupils is much greater.  We currently take 21 children so have a ratio of 1 qualified tutor to 7 children.  As we have some very nervous children who have never been swimming before we also have a member of staff (also shallow water safety trained) and a fully DBS checked parent in the water as support where required.  Provision more than meets statutory requirements for swimming tuition.  Please be assured that the children's welfare and good quality learning experiences are always a high priority for us and this supports all decisions about our provision.

Kate Greenaway Book Shadowing Morning

EBHS have confirmed that the book showing morning was hugely successful and we would like to take this opportunity to pass on their thanks to the children who took part.

Ipswich Star

Today's copy of the Ipswich Star features pupils from Bentley Primary School's Father's Day wishes.

Parent Survey

Thank you for all of you who have completed the on line survey.  This will remain open until Monday we hope that we will receive some more replies over the weekend:-

Next week

Tuesday - Mr Steward from EBHS will be meeting our Year 6 Pupils at Copdock

Wednesday - Chance to Shine Assembly

Friday - Non uniform in exchange for a traditional tombola item.  School Council Shop after school.

Please ensure that you keep an eye on the website for future dates and any changes that are made to events.  

Lastly we would like to wish you all an enjoyable weekend, particularly to a quiet Friday night to Year 4 Parents, hopefully the sun will be shining!

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.