Bentley Weekly News 15.07.16

Weekly Update from Bentley  15/07/16

The end of the school year is almost upon us, but there’s no decelerating here at Bentley…… still plenty of activities in the offing.

Visits - Thank you all for getting your permissions in for both the Felixstowe and Parliament trips; we do need confirmation from parents of children going to London that you have seen and read the changes to the transport arrangements. Please either return the slip at the bottom of the letter or email your confirmation by Monday morning.

Year 6 and Year 4 have had visits to East Bergholt High School this week – Year 6 for a computer day and Year 4 for a science day. In addition to all this, Years 5 and 6 had a thoroughly enjoyable trip to Pleasurewood Hills. The friendships they have formed with the children in Foxes class in Copdock were truly evident on this trip with all the children intermingling and getting on so well. A great day was had by all involved and we hope our Year 6 pupils will go to High School with happy memories of their last days at Bentley Primary.

Bags in to school – At the end of every academic year, the children are sent home with the beautiful work they have produced over the year. We plan to do this on Monday so please could you send your child in with a strong bag, thin plastic carrier bags tend to not be sturdy enough. We hope you enjoy seeing just how much the children have achieved this year.

Clubs - Lots of clubs have been coming to a close this week, piano club had their last session on Wednesday and the children treated us to a performance of their skills during family assembly this week. Forensics club concluded this morning with the team solving a crime (the case of the missing morning club biscuits); Mrs Rudge did it! They have learnt real skills employed by detectives including retrieving and identifying fingerprints. Analysing liquids, splitting ink to identify which pen was used to leave a note and code cracking among other things. It was the first time we had run this club and we are so pleased by how much the children enjoyed it. Football club has also drawn to a close now, the children have shown great determination and team work building on their skills in the game. We hope to be able to continue to offer these free sports clubs next year.

Leavers – Just a quick reminder about the leavers’ service next Tuesday, please bring your child/ren to the church (St Mary’s Church down the road from the school) for 8:45am for a 9:00am start to the service. The leavers’ BBQ organised by the PTA will be from 6pm at the school. It is a lovely event and everybody is welcome, not just the families of the leavers.

Have a lovely weekend.

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.