Bentley Leavers Service

The children celebrated the 4 children leaving from Year 6 - Remmi, Ruben, Tommy and Olaf.  PTA presented them with t shirts and a film of their memories.  Bentley Church presented them with a book.

Awards were also given out: Head Teacher's Award for outstanding contribution and good all rounder to Olaf, KS2 Progress Cup to Max, KS1 progress cup to Isla P, Sports Trophy for effort and achievement to Tommy, KS1 caring cup to Joshua L and KS2 caring cup to Ben B.

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.