Wolves week beginning 5.1.21

Date: 4th Jan 2021 @ 3:55pm

Happy New Year, what an unusual and unexpected start to the year!

The plan for today will be up by mid morning on Tuesday and the plan for the rest of the week by the end of Tuesday.

Phonics 9-9:30

Click the links below:

Reception: Teach them the new digraph 'sh' Practise writing some words with 'sh' in

Year 1: Teach them the split digraph with the magic e on the end which changes the sound of the letter.  They haven't met this before, so you may need to support them with this.  Practise writing some words with a-e split digraph in e.g. cake, made, escape, snake, 

Year 2: Teach them about silent letters, they have only met silent k and w so far (e.g. wrong, knight), so may need some support with this.  Practise writing knife, knight, knew, know, knock, kneel, knee, knit.

Maths 9:30-10:15

Reception: Recognise and name 2D shapes, can they name a square, circle, rectangle, triangle?  Can they find them in the house and count the number of sides?  Can they draw them?  Which ones can you make out of straight bits of spaghetti and which ones can't you?  Upload photos on Tapestry so we can see - please email in if you can't remember how to access Tapestry.  Can you add a comment about what they needed support with or what they could do on their own please.  You could extend with oval, semi circle, hexagon etc.

Year 1 Recognise and name 3D shapes Click this link and follow the lesson on the video. What 3D shapes can they find in the house?  Can they tell you how many faces they have? (A cube has 6 faces, a cone has 2).  How many vertices do they have? (corners) Click here for more information on 3D shapes.

Year 2 Make equal groups Click this link and follow the lesson on the video, doing the worksheet (see below) as you go along.

10:25 TEAMS Assembly with Mrs Austin - see email for login.

11-11:45 Literacy

Write some sentences about your Christmas holiday, telling me what you got for Christmas and what you did during the holidays.  These could be simple sentences e.g. I got a ......  I got a ....using your phonics to sound out the other words. I have added a sound mat below which I suggest you print out to support any children who need it. 

Year 1 sentences need to have 'and' in to connect ideas and some more detail and adjectives to describe e.g. I got a small doll and a toy car and a red bike.  Try to write one sentence with 'because' in too. e.g. We had a Zoom call with Nannie on Christmas Day because we couldn't see her.

Year 2 sentences need to have a comma in a list and more details e.g. expanded noun phrases (adjective adjective noun e.g. fast black bike) e.g. I got a fast black bike, a white new Xbox controller and a game of Scrabble, which we played four times on Christmas Day but I only won once!  Try to use other connectives like and, because, but although to extend your sentences and an exclamation mark. Some of Year 1 can use commas and these connectives too.

It is going to be really important that you try really hard with your handwriting and that you form your letters correctly, so parents will need to support with this.  Most of Year 1 should be having a flick in to their letters.  Some of Year 1 and Year 2 should be joining up.  Writing should be on the line.

11:45-12 Reading books from home or use the Oxford Owl login

1-2pm PSHE Celebrating your gifts and setting your New Year resolutions

1. Draw a t shirt and draw or write all the things in it that make you special and all the things you are good at and the gifts and talents you have.

2. Draw a large circle like a target board in archery.  Draw or write in your targets for this half term in your new home school.  What do you want to improve and get better at by half term?  What new skills do you learn?  What are you going to practise and do to achieve these goals?  Stick the target board on the fridge and add a star each time you practise them and a big smiley face when you think you have achieved them.

Don't forget to upload a photo on the discussion page of your maths today please.

Wednesday's learning - the weekly plan is uploaded below which shows you the learning for tomorrow.  Year 1, you have a sheet for phonics and maths I have uploaded below and Y2, you have a maths sheet below - these can be printed or you can work from them on the screen.  I will update the weekly plan tomorrow for the rest of the week and upload any more resources and a video hopefully, each day! Video link for RE parable of the The Lost Sheep is https://www.max7.org/en/resource/lostsheep

Thursday - I have now updated the weekly plan and uploaded a new one which has got the activities for the rest of the week on.  Thank you to parents who have uploaded photos to the discussion or to Tapestry (Reception only).  You all need to go to the discussion page of the website using your child's login to get the link to the 2:15pm assembly.  We do expect children to upload 1 thing everyday and attend all assemblies too.  

Friday - We have a meeting on TEAMS at 11:30 am just for our class.  The link will be on the discussion for Friday.  I need every child to be on that meeting as I need to see you all and it will be a chance for the children or parents to ask any questions.

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Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.