Wolves 04.07.2022

Date: 1st Jul 2022 @ 4:51pm

Dear parents,

Wolves had great fun having an art day last week, making abstract collages with patterened papers that they made, revising many art techniques. However, this meant that key words didn't get tested, so I will endeavor to test these this week. 

Learning this week

This week, in Wolves, for our topic work, we are continuing learning about seaside holidays as part of our history. We will look at sources of evidence from the past and today, comparing our modern day seaside holidays to holidays of the past.  If you have any experiences or photos of your seasides holidays (or grandparets and their holidays), please share with your children!   In science the children will be continue to observe our seeds amd bulbs that we have planted, and looking at healthy plant growth.

In English writing, we will finish our guided writing on the story of  'Grandad's Island'. Syd haas left Grandad on the island, and gone home alone. The children will be  and retelling the actions of the characters through carefully selected verbs and describing the emotions Syd feels. Next week, Year 1 and 2 will re-write the next step of the story. Reception will create and write their own seaside stories this week, taking inspiration from a selection read to them. 

In mathematics Reception will be continuing their daily practise of counting and subitising, and will be using their mathematical knowledge to solve problems. Year 1 and Year 2 have been learnign about tally charts, and will be transferring that knowledge to drawing their own pictograms. Year 2 will draw a pictogram with one symbol representing 2, 5 or 10 in a data set.  

As usual, the children in Yr1 and Reception will have 30 minutes of phonics daily, while Year 2 use this time to practise spelling rules and grammar. Reception children are writing setences in their books using their phonics, daily, as part of their phonics lesson. All children will be listened to reading in their groups, practising decoding, use of intonation and expression and comprehension of what they are reading, including making inferences from the text, summarising and making predictions. 

TTRS will have a focus table of the 2 and 10 times table. Well done to boys who won last week.  Each battle runs Thursday to Thursday.

Our learning behaviour of the week is 'Have a go - push yourself' and our value is 'respect'.

Yr1/2 vocabulary words this week are 'scale' and 'source' 

R vocabulary words are 'cliff' and 'museum'



PE on is Monday - 

Swimming is on Monday for those that go

Spelling words will be tested on Tuesday.

Key words will be tested on Wednesday. 



Reading - 5 reads each week

Practise Key words - tested on Wednesday

Spelling words to practise (Yr 1 & 2)

Use TTRS at home to practise tables (Yr 1 & 2) 

Spelling shed (Yr 1 & 2)


Have a lovely week, 

Mrs McCart


Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.