Kittens 07.02.22

Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 5:08pm

Hello Kittens!

I hope you had a nice weekend and did things that make you feel good.   This week is mental health week and we have a week of activities planned to help us learn how to look after our mental health and well being.  It is also Online safety week and we will be reading a story about a chicken who didn't keep himself safe online.

Our learning behaviour this week is 'keep trying, dont give up'.

Our vocabulary words of the week are:

Reception - day  and dark

Year 1/2 - respond, community

In PHSE, we will be thinking about how our environment makes us feel while in science we will be continuing to learn about why exercise is important for us.

Reception will be reading Six Dinner Sid and I will be bringing in a cat that looks just like Sid to make learning exciting.  The children will not be too close or touching the cat. if your child has an allergy to cats, please email the office Monday morning.  I will also send an email to confirm this in the morning.

Have a good week!

Homework due in next Friday 18th Feb


-Following our visit from Mr Hurst, we talked about fire safety.  Go on a walk around your house and look for  smoke alarms.

-3 copies of tricky words are being sent home today. Please use 1 copy to  display or keep handy at home. The other 2 copies can be cut up and you can play a treasure hunt, snap or pairs with them.  These are words that the children have been learning at school and need to read for their phonic assessment.

-Complete 5 reads and record in orange books

-Draw a picture of Sid (a black cat) and write a sentence : Sid  had .......ham/meat/fish/food/ six dinners.  Dont worry if your child does not use the correct spelling. We are looking for children to be using spellings that are phonetically accurate.

Year 1

-Following our visit from Mr Hurst, we talked about fire safety. Go on a walk around your house and look for smoke alarms.

-A copy of the Year 1 common exception words have been stuck in homework books. Please work on these over the next two weeks by finding out which words your child can spell and which ones they find difficult and practise. Your child will not be able to learn all these words and I do not expect this over the next two weeks. Just choose as many words as you can manage.  I will test the children the week back after half term, then give you a copy of the words they could not spell to continue to practise at home.  We will continue to practise these words in this way so by the end of the year they should be able to confidently spell all of them.

-Blue maths book-page 21 Number bonds to 10.

-Complete 5 reads and record in orange books.

-Complete Reading book comprehension questions in homework book. This will count as one of your reads.


Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.