Hedgehogs Weekly blog Week Beginning 7.9.20

Date: 4th Sep 2020 @ 4:34pm

HOMEWORK UPDATE - Please complete the following pages from your CGP book

Wednesday: Verbs - Year 3 Page 4 and Year 4 Page 8

Thursday: -ing verbs Year 3 Page 5 and Year 4 Articles Page 6 and 7

Friday: Adjectives Year 3 Page 6 and Year 4 Page 5


Good morning Hedgehog class smiley

We hope you all had a lovely weekend and ready for a new week of learning. 

Every week there will be a weekly blog which we will add to throughout the week to keep you up to date with homework pages to be completed and any other relevant information you may need.

Your PE days will be a Monday and Wednesday so please make sure you come to school in your PE kit on those days and you may want to bring in your jogging bottoms and hoodie/jumper as well as the weather begins to be a little cooler.

Please ensure you have a named refillable bottle at school every day.



This week, from your CGP book we would like you to complete:

Monday: Nouns Year 3 - Page 2 and  Year 4 - Page 4 

Tuesday: Noun Phrases Year 3 - Page 3 and Year 4 - Page 15

Please remember to bring these books back to school everyday we will be checking in to ensure you have completed them throughout the week.


Over the next few days you will be bringing a reading book home so please ensure you read every night and complete the 5 read challenge every week. 

Reading Bingo Challenge - You will be receiving a Hedgehog's reading bingo sheet. The challenge is to see how many books you can read before the end of the school academic year. You can read these alone, with an adult or listen to them as an audio book. Once you complete your bingo sheet, bring it back to school so we can celebrate!

Please ask if you have any questions or you are unsure of anything.

Mrs North and Mrs Duff smiley


Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.