Hedgehogs 27.2.23

Date: 24th Feb 2023 @ 4:50pm

Welcome back,

We hope you had a lovely weekend. 

Our learning behaviour of the week is, 'Tune In' and our value is, 'Justice'. 

Words of the week: 'irrigation' and 'make'. Year 2 word - 'continent'.


PE kits Tuesdays for Year 2,3 and 4, swimmings kits for Monday for Year 3 and 4 and for all children to wear school uniform on Monday.

Monday - Swimming for Years 3 and 4. 

Tuesday - Worship Group - Please make sure your child has a packed lunch that day if they would like to attend.

Thursday - World Book Day - We will be celebrating World Book Day this year by asking the children to bring into school on Thursday their favourite book to share.  We will also be having a Reading Cafe in each class where the children will have the opportunity to explore the books that are available to read on their Book Bingo.  The children are not dressing up this year. There is also a change to the menu as per the newsletter before half term. This does not need to be pre-ordered and is the same £2.50 as usual dinners.

Reminder of Lent challenges

Lent is the 40 days leading up to Easter and a time for Christians to give up something or do something positive to make a difference to their life and the world around them. Lent began this year on Ash Wednesday, the 22nd February 2023 and ends on Maundy Thursday, 6th April 2023. Worship Group have decided these 20 challenges for you to try to complete during this time of Lent. Tick off each one as you complete it and bring the completed sheet back after the Easter holidays (week commencing 17th April) for a treat

Easter Club and Breakfast Club

A reminder that you need to book your child in to Easter club by the end of today please.  This will run from Friday 3rd March for 5 weeks.  Children will be doing lots of exciting Easter themed activities with Ms Rivers.  Please complete the form.  https://forms.office.com/e/sC1iMpQGYK

Normal breakfast club will still be running on a Friday if your child needs to attend this. Please note that breakfast club is open every morning from 8.00am.  If your child arrives between 8.00am and 8.30am and has breakfast the cost is £4.00 per session. If your child arrives from 8.30am (no breakfast) the cost is £1.50.


Homework Due in Friday 3rd March - refer to your child's homework label in their logbook

  1. TTR 
  2. Practise weekly and half termly spellings on Spelling Shed.
  3. Complete the CGP Maths.
  4. Complete 5 reads and parents to sign ready for Friday.

Have a great week, 

Mrs North and Miss Cook

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.