Hedgehogs 22.5.23

Date: 19th May 2023 @ 4:32pm

Welcome back Hedgehogs, 

We hope you had a lovely weekend.

Our learning behaviour of the week is, 'Improve' and our value is, 'Service'. 

Words of the week: 'amphitheatre' and 'aqueduct'. Year 2 word - 'nutrients'.


PE kits for Years 3 and 4 Monday and Years 2,3 and 4 Tuesday.


Year 4 have an exciting visit in on Monday where they will be taking part in a photography workshop in school.  Therefore there will be no PE on the Field on Monday, but all children should still wear PE kit on Monday. All children should be collected from school.

Year 2 will still be swimming and Year 3 will have PE in school.


It is also the start of our new lunchtime football club 

  • The KS2 session will be held from 12.00 to 12.30pm with children eating lunch afterwards. It would be preferable for them to bring a packed lunch that day if possible, so they don't miss the start of their club. 
  • The KS1 session will run from 12.30 - 1.00pm once they have eaten.  

Wednesday - Colchester visit. Please ensure that the children have a packed lunch, waterproof coat/sun cream dependant on weather and they are wearing uniform with comfortable shoes. If you have not yet paid the £5, please could this be paid by Tuesday. 

Year 2 SATs - The Year 2 children will be completing their SATs this week, we will be there to support and reassure them.

Talent show update
Auditions will be taking place after half term so please support your children to be ready ?
Bentley: Thurs 8th, Mon 12th and Thurs 15th June.
Depending on the number of 'wannabes' we may add additional dates. Children can audition as a group or individual depending on their act. A sign up sheet will be available in school so children can add their names, act and any further information. This will help us to plot a time for their audition to take place. Adults in school will support children to do this if need be. If your child needs music to audition, it is important that they either bring in a CD or the track is sent to school on 5th June please ready.
Please ensure your child has a good understanding that whilst we are really excited to ensure they all get to audition so they can show their confidence, not everyone will be able to perform on the day as we will be looking for a range of acts to showcase. We do not want any upset children, so it is better to prepare them in advance ?
Infomation to follow about tickets for the show soon!
Snowdon Climb
We have had brilliant news that Sally, Alison and Lucy have reached the top of Snowdon - 3hrs 30 min; Over 3,500 ft climb. I am sure you will join us in sending our congratulations for such an achievement and for taking this on to raise money for school.  Children were shown a video and photos in assembly. Well Done!

Homework Due in Friday 26th May

  1. TTR 
  2. Practise weekly and half termly spellings on Spelling Shed ready to be tested on both this Friday.
  3. Complete the CGP Reading - refer to your child's logbook for the workout.
  4. Complete 5 reads and parents to sign ready for Friday.

Have a great week, 

Mrs North and Miss Cook

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.