Hedgehogs 21.3.22

Date: 16th Mar 2022 @ 1:28pm

Good morning Hedgehog families,

I hope you had a lovely weekend.

Our learning behaviour of the week is, 'Push Yourself' and our value is 'Forgiveness'. 

Vocabulary words this week are: 'hygiene' and 'commitment'.


PE Kits to be worn on Monday and Fridays and bring swimming kits Monday

Tuesday - As you might be aware from the children, Mrs Duff is joining us for some days this half term before returning fully from maternity leave in the summer term. I am on a course on Tuesday so the children will be having a science day with Mrs Duff.   

Thursday 24th March PTA Mothers Day Afternoon Tea - There will be a Mother's Day afternoon tea held at school with unlimited tea and coffee, lots of cakes and special time with your child. Time slots are 1.45-2.30pm or 2.45-3.30pm. To purchase a ticket and book a slot, please visit the PTA FaceBook Page, numbers are limited so please book soon to avoid any disappointment! 

There is also a Mother's Day Hamper to be won, tickets are £1 each. 

Friday 25th March - Epilepsy Action Fundraise, Go Purple  - On Friday, the children can wear something purple with their PE kit, if you would like to donate, it is £1 and there will be a cake sale after school.  

Readathon - Thank you to everyone who sponsored the reading event. The children will look forward to spending the money to choose the books they would like for our class.     

Parent Consultations are now live and you can book your slot via the school website. We will be holding these meetings face to face unless you cannot make it due to work commitments or isolation then we will be able to offer a virtual meeting. We would like you to attend with your child. The slots are available Tuesday 29th March 3.30-5.30pm or Thursday 31st March 5-7pm.  

Homework Due in Monday 28th March  

  1. Complete Spring Workout 5 of the CGP weekly maths and arithmetic books.
  2. TTR twice a week for 10 minutes or try Hit the Button https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button to practise times tables.
  3. Practise spellings on Spelling Shed at least 3 x 10 minutes a week on the weekly words and Year 3 and 4 statutory words – the next column of words have been stuck in the children's logbooks and I have assigned them on Spelling Shed.
  4. Logon to Curriculum Visions – logins are at the front of the children's logbooks. Search, ‘Caring for our Environment’. Read the section about Using Resources Wisely. This will support the children in their science learning next week. This reading can count towards their 5 reads for the week. 
  5. Complete 5 reads and parents to sign ready for Friday.

Have a lovely week,

Mrs North

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.