Copdock Weekly Update 12/03/2021

Thank you for your help and understanding regarding dropping off and picking up this week.  It's been so lovely to see everyone back in school, especially with their huge smiles.  Please remember to keep an eye on the noticeboard as you climb the steps to the playground, and the weekly news to keep up to date on what's happening in the coming weeks.

Return to School

It has been wonderful to see the children this week and great to see how excited they have been in their learning and social interactions with friends.  On Thursday, School Council supported all children to engage in some reflection around the challenges and positives of returning to school.  They openly shared their views and it was lovely to hear how happy they are to be back.  Head Pupils would like to hear the views of parents too and so have created a short questionnaire here which they would like you all to complete please over the weekend.  Information from these reflections will be shared with Governors and used to identify any areas we can support in the coming weeks.

KS1 (including Reception) PE next week

As a change to the schedule, KS1 will have PE on Tuesday next week NOT Monday.  Please wear uniform on Monday, and PE kit on Tuesday.

Baking Challenge

Please see attached information and entry for a baking challenge set by our Federation.  Entries need to be received by 12th April at the latest please.

Red Nose Day

As announced in last week's newsletter, we will be marking Red Nose Day next week with a "Dress in Red for 50p" day.  Please send the monies in on Friday - these will be collected in classes.  If your child does not wish to participate, please send them to school in their uniform.

PTA Upcoming Events

Don't forget our Chocolate Bingo event is THIS Saturday.  You've still got time to book your place via this link

Next week there is a PTA meeting on Wednesday at 8pm to start the planning of our summer event.  Please do join in to see if there is anything you can do to get involved.  The Zoom meeting details are:

Meeting ID: 815 3216 7927

Passcode: 617418


Litter Pick

Once again, the village will be coming together for a litter pick on Saturday 20th March between 10am and 12 noon.  If you can spare the time to help the community, please come along to the Brook Inn car park at 10am for guidance.  Equipment (including hi-vis) can be provided but if you have your own, please bring that along.  Children are welcome to join in too.  Please ensure you bring your own gloves.

Easter Bonnets
Every year we invite children to design and make an Easter Bonnet and we always have great fun parading them during family assembly.  It may be online this year, but we can't wait to see your creativity and will still have our parade (albeit virtually) on Friday 26th March. 

Learning Behaviour Certificates

This week's learning behaviour was work hard and the certificates have gone to:


Douglas William
Squirrels Darcy Freddie
Woodpeckers Savanna Liam
Foxes Isla Shannon

Dates For Your Diary

13/03/2021 PTA Chocolate Bingo
17/03/2021 PTA Meeting Meeting ID: 815 3216 7927 Passcode: 617418
19/03/2021 Red Nose Day Dress in Red for 50p
20/03/2021 Village Litter Pick Meet at 10am
25/03/2021 Virtual Art Exhibition Look out for link in next week's update
26/03/2021 Easter Bonnet Parade During our virtual family sharing assembly at 1:15pm
26/03/2021 Last Day of Term Return to school Monday 12th April

Please also take a look at the website where some new information has been shared in Local Clubs & Events around wellbeing, Brownies and libraries, not to mention some holiday camps.

Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.