Copdock Weekly Update 07/01/2022

Welcome Back!

Don't forget to layer up in this cold weather - we do have windows and doors open to allow a flow of air through the classrooms as per the guidance, but that does mean it can be cooler in class than usual.  Please ensure everyone has a coat in school for break times.

If your child arrives after the bell in the mornings, they will be marked as late.  If they arrive after 8:50 they will be marked with an unauthorised absence.  These occurrences are reported termly to our Education Welfare Officer and where it is deemed necessary by them, further action may be taken.

Book Tokens

If you have been collecting the book tokens in the local press, please send them into school - we need them in by the end of next week please.

Residential Trip - current Year 4 and 5

We have today sent home a hard copy of the letter sent earlier in the week via email.  Please share and discuss with your child so you can complete and return the slip.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Windmill or the school office.  The letter can also be found here:

Learning Behaviours

This week's certificates go to:

Kittens Bear Alimae
Squirrels Alfie Douglas
Woodpeckers TBC TBC
Foxes Harrison Shannon

Dates for the Diary

Upcoming events to keep an eye out for:

10/01/2022 Swimming  
10/01/2022 3:20-4:40pm KS2 After School Club Football
13/01/2022 School Nurse  
17/01/2022 Swimming  
17/01/2022 3:20-4:40pm KS2 After School Club Football

Please also keep an eye on the website for dates in the calendar and news and information about clubs and events.




Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.