Tuesday 24th March Hedgehogs

Date: 23rd Mar 2020 @ 9:54pm

Good morning Hedgehogs!

Hopefully you have enjoyed your first ‘Learning at Home’ day. Don’t forget to let me know how you are getting on.

Please have a look at the learning links and ideas below for today.  Remember to be as active as possible, read lots and get as much fresh air as you can safely!

Daily Challenge: Get creative! Draw or paint a picture, do some mindful colouring or make a collage out of recycled materials or even items found in nature!

  • Morning Wake and Shake!

At 9am each day (Monday to Friday) there is a live PE lesson with Joe Wicks - The Body Coach. You don’t need a lot of room - just grab your PE kit (or comfy clothes) and get active! See the link below for more information. Just type 'PE with Joe' into Youtube search and I'm sure you will find it easily! 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6r99N3kXME – introductory video

  • English tasks:

Try to read for at least 20 minutes on your own or to an adult this morning and spend 10 minutes on Spelling Shed. Then have a go writing challenge below!)



  Can you describe what you see in the picture?

  Try and use expanded noun phrases (adjective + adjective   + noun), similes (like or as something else) and alliteration   (red rust, rocky rubble).

  Remember to check your punctuation, capital letters and      spelling. Why not also use an online thesaurus to up-level   your vocabulary?







(Remember to take a break and have some fun!)

  • Maths Task:

BBC Supermovers - https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks2-maths-measurement-with-max-and-Harvey/zdv2cqt

(15 minutes on TTRs - have a go in the Studio to set your Rock Speed today and also try to complete at least one Sound Check. I have now been able to set tables so the Garage should be more of a challenge for some of you!)

Can you complete one of the learning sheets in your pack? Perhaps revisit the multiplication or division methods we have been learning about in class. Try to use the column method for multiplication and the bus stop method for division.

(Now make sure you have had a play and something for lunch. Perhaps you could help make a sandwich or something else to eat?)

  • Afternoon Topic Task

Time to read for 10 minutes. If you have a pet, why not read them a story!

Spend time making your 3D Model project OR continue to research a cultural event in Spain (60 minutes).

You could find information on either –

 - Semana Santa – Holy Week

 - San Fermin (Pamplona Bull Run)

 - Tomatina Tomato Fight

 - Las Fallas

 - Feria de Sevilla

  • Afternoon Active Task:

Now it’s time to get active! You can play outside in the garden, build a den, do some yoga or dance. Just have fun!


If you need some help or want to let me know how you have got on today, remember to just make a comment on this blog.  You can always share what you have created/ made or written today too! smiley

Have a good day!

Miss Underwood

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.